Which is the best armor for a Nodachi? : r/ConquerorsBlade - Reddit
Aug 5, 2020 · Master the art of medieval warcraft in this free-to-play tactical action MMO. Create a unique warlord from 13 different classes, and wage war in epic 15 v 15 siege battles.
Regarding scaling nodachi proficiency as a tengu magus
May 30, 2023 · Upon my initial reading of the feat “tengu weapon familiarity”, it seems that the nodachi would could as a simple weapon for the sake of proficiency: “Additionally, choose two weapons from the sword group. You can choose from among all common martial swords, plus the katana, temple sword, and wakizashi.
uchigatana vs blacksteel katana vs nodachi? : r/DarkSouls2 - Reddit
Mar 28, 2016 · uchigatana vs blacksteel katana vs nodachi? so i am playing a dex build and i am playing coop with my girlfriend with this char. after we koll vendrick and giant lord we plan to take on the dlc's and then moving on to ng+1 and see how far we get until ds3 gets unlocked.
Is the No-Dachi actually usable? : r/battletech - Reddit
Mar 28, 2023 · 2KO is a Variant. Most battlemechs have variants besides the standard one, and one of the things most variants of the No-Dachi has is an MRM weapon (Medium Range Missile) somewhere on board (hence those big missile pods on the shoulder).
Any good guides for nodachi? : r/ConquerorsBlade - Reddit
The mix depends on the stats of your Nodachi and whether you want go full unit killing, or do more damage against Heavy Armor enemy heroes. People who say Nodachi is good at dueling and they reck enemy heroes are just trying to show off. It's not a good (solo) dueling class, even if you're the top nodachi on your server.
What are the best stats and skills for Nodachi? : r ... - Reddit
Apr 21, 2020 · depends on ur playstyle, for example some people cant play without fearless or blood oath but i cant play nodachi without monstrous blade, dragon leap is the best ult, bloodthirsty is a must Reply reply
Which type katana of katana is the best? : r/Kenshi - Reddit
Jul 19, 2021 · Just to get you excited though, the falling sun is like a giant katana. It does AS MUCH cutting damage as the Nodachi but also does a huge amount of blunt damage to boot and it doesn't have any problems with heavy armor or robots AND it does bonus damage to beak things and gorillos, two very common enemies and so on and so forth.
Opinion about nodachi : r/ConquerorsBlade - Reddit
Jan 24, 2022 · Nodachi has more sweeping attacks so it hits more units at once. Pike has smaller hitbox hits (other than ult), so it does far less to units in terms of damage. That doesn't make Pike bad, but it's the objective truth that you can farm more hero vs unit damage as Nodachi.
Is there a nodachi specific talisman? : r/WildHeartsGame - Reddit
Feb 24, 2023 · A community for collectors of Ty Beanie Babies, Beanie Buddies, Teenie Beanies, Ty Classic plush, Attic Treasures, and other vintage Ty products.
Can anyone recommend some good videos about nodachi kata vs …
May 4, 2022 · Only thing I am aware of off the top of my head is the Shunpukan, which has nodachi against nodachi: Video 1 or Video 2. The nodachi is pretty uncommon, and you will be hard-pressed to find much of anything for it. It's probably most commonly known via the Kage ryu using their choken which, as you said, is solo kata exclusively. Applications ...