Olive Drab / #6b8e23 hex color - ColorHexa
#6b8e23 color description : Dark green. The hexadecimal color #6b8e23 has RGB values of R:107, G:142, B:35 and CMYK values of C:0.25, M:0, Y:0.75, K:0.44. Its decimal value is …
What Color Is Od Green? Olive Drab Green - ColorVisit
Dec 24, 2023 · Od green is a drab olive color that falls in the green-brown range. It is a dull, muted, and slightly grayish version of green, used in many military and hunting uniforms. The …
Olivedrab / Olive Drab #3 / #6b8e23 Hex Color Code
The color olivedrab / Olive Drab #3 with hexadecimal color code #6b8e23 is a medium dark shade of yellow-green. In the RGB color model #6b8e23 is composed of 41.96% red, 55.69% green …
AMS Std. 595a U.S. Army # 2247/2248 / OD green (34078) HEX …
This HEX color is commonly associated with AMS Std. 595a colors, especially AMS Standard 595a collection. This particular HEX color sample is often used to illustrate color named 34078 …
Green Color Codes
A list of GREEN color codes and shades of green for HTML, CSS and website development with HEX and RGB codes.
#556b2f Color Hex DarkOliveGreen
#556b2f hex color red value is 85, green value is 107 and the blue value of its RGB is 47. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #556b2f hue: 0.23 , …
Federal Std. 595c Marine OD green (24119) HEX code - HEX to RAL
Marine OD green color from Federal Std. 595c has been included in multiple recent color comparisons, with matches including popular brands. You can browse the matches below, or …
Marine OD green (24119) vs U.S. Army / Ranger green (34076) - HEX …
Marine OD green (24119) vs U.S. Army / Ranger green (34076) This color comparison involves two colors that comes from different color collections. The first one is named 24119 - Marine …
Ranger Green vs OD Green: Choosing Military Colors
Ranger Green, also known as “Ranger Green 498,” is a darker, more subdued shade of green. It is often described as a mix between olive green and foliage green, with a hint of brown. On the …
Olive Drab - #6b8e23 Hex Code, Shades and Complementary …
Olive Drab is a muted and military-inspired green color. It represents strength and resilience, perfect for creating a rugged and adventurous space.
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