Oni - Families - Monsters - Archives of Nethys
When these spirits look upon mortal lives and become overcome with envy of the flesh and pleasure that humanoids can revel in, they form surrogate bodies of their own and become monsters known collectively as oni.
Oni - PathfinderWiki
Oni are large humanoids known for their strength and violence. All oni share the common traits of shapeshifting and a fear of beans. 2 1. History. Oni originated in Minkai 3 in Tian Xia, where they are still most prevalent. Oni begin existence as kami 3 4 who lost their wards while suffering traumatic events inflicted upon them, which ...
Hungerseed - PathfinderWiki
Hungerseeds can inherit several abilities reminiscent of oni, including primal magical abilities like transforming into a larger oni form, creating an illusory disguise (though incapable of hiding their horns), or firing a blast with the power of a storm from their third eye. 3
Oni - d20PFSRD
Oni are a race of evil spirits, native to the Material Plane, that manifest physical bodies based upon the shapes and desires of humanoid mortals. In pure spirit form, an oni is nothing but a disembodied evil longing for the sins of the flesh. In this form, oni are harmless and invisible.
Fumeiyoshi - PathfinderWiki
Fumeiyoshi is considered the patron of undead and of the oni and both frequently worship him; he is also often worshipped by former paladins or samurai who have fallen from grace or been somehow dishonoured.
Oni - Families - Monsters - Archives of Nethys
Oni are large, brutal creatures originating in Tian Xia who resemble humanoids with brightly colored skin, tusks, and horns. Though commonly mistaken for fiends, the first oni were originally kami, tutelary nature spirits.
Oni - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
The oni are a diverse race of evil outsiders, of which the ogre mage is the most common. Other types of oni exist as well—evil spirits that clothe themselves in the flesh of other types of humanoid.
Caldera Oni - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd …
Oni are large, brutal creatures originating in Tian Xia who resemble humanoids with brightly colored skin, tusks, and horns. Though commonly mistaken for fiends, the first oni were originally kami, tutelary nature spirits.
Oni - Traits - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database
Oni Source Monster Core pg. 363 Oni are a family of brutal, shapechanging giants who were once kami.
Oni | Pathfinder Second Edition on Roll20 Compendium
Oni are a family of fiends who dwell on the Material Plane and take monstrous forms based on humanoid shapes.
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