Oocyte - Wikipedia
An oocyte (/ ˈoʊəsaɪt /, oöcyte, or ovocyte is a female gametocyte or germ cell involved in reproduction. In other words, it is an immature ovum, or egg cell. An oocyte is produced in a …
Unscrambling the oocyte and the egg: clarifying terminology of …
What is an oocyte? What is an egg? Are these terms the same, different, interchangeable? Here we provide functional definitions of the oocyte and egg, and how they can be used in the …
Oocyte Development - Embryology
3 days ago · The oocyte (eggs, ova, ovum) is arrested at an early stage of the first {{meiosis))(first meiotic) division as a primary oocyte (primordial follicle) within the ovary. Following puberty, …
Oocyte Maturation and Development - PMC - PubMed Central …
It requires the formation of haploid female and male gametes: oocytes and sperms. These specialized cells are generated through meiosis, a particular type of cell division that produces …
Oocyte Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
Jul 24, 2022 · The oocyte is an immature female sex cell. It starts off as an oogonium by the process of oocytogenesis, and matures to give rise to a fully mature ovum or egg cell and …
Oocyte | definition of oocyte by Medical dictionary
A diploid cell from which an egg or ovum develops by meiosis. A primary oocyte divides to produce a polar body and a secondary oocyte, which divides again to produce the ovum and …
Oocyte Maturation: The Coming of Age of a Germ Cell - PMC
Normal female fertility relies on proper development of the oocyte. This growth culminates just prior to ovulation, when oocyte maturation occurs. Oocyte maturation refers to a release of …
Oocyte: Function, Oogenesis, Structure, Fertility and Abnormalities
An oocyte is a female germ cell in the process of development. An egg is the egg before it is released at ovulation. An oocyte is the germ cell involved in the reproduction process of women.
Oocyte | physiology | Britannica
…ovarian follicle consists of an oocyte, or immature egg, surrounded by an epithelium, the cells of which are referred to variously as follicular, nurse, or granulosa cells. In cyclostomes, teleosts, …
Oocyte - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The oocyte, a long-lived, postmitotic cell, is the locus of reproductive aging in women. Female germ cells replicate only during fetal life and age throughout reproductive life. Mechanisms of …