Ozlem BULBUL | Professor (Associate) | PhD. - ResearchGate
Ozlem BULBUL, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 636 | of İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Istanbul | Read 63 publications | Contact Ozlem BULBUL
ozlem bulbul - Google Scholar
Istanbul University- Cerrahpasa - Cited by 950 - Forensic genetics - population genetics
Ozlem Bulbul - Google Scholar
Kırşehir Ahi Evran University - Cited by 47 - Political Science - Political Sociology - Economic Sociology - Turkish Politics - Urban Politics
Evaluating a subset of ancestry informative SNPs for discriminating ...
Many different published sets of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and/or insertion-deletion polymorphisms (InDels) can serve as ancestry informative markers (AIMs) to distinguish …
Ozlem Bulbul - Assistant Professor - İstanbul üniversitesi
Ozlem Bulbul adlı kişinin profilini, 1 milyar üyenin yer aldığı bir profesyonel topluluğu olan LinkedIn‘de görüntüleyin. Associate Professor · Deneyim: İstanbul üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa · …
- Title: Associate Professor
- Location: İstanbul üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa
Doç. Dr. ÖZLEM BÜLBÜL ERCAN | AVESİS - iuc.edu.tr
Yayınlardaki İsimler: Ozlem Bulbul, Bulbul, O. Metrikler. Daha fazla metrik. Yayın 134. Atıf (WoS) 367. H-İndeks (WoS) 11. Atıf (Scopus) 444. H-İndeks (Scopus) 12. Atıf (Scholar) 12. H-İndeks …
Ozlem Bulbul on LinkedIn: Congratulations Zehra I wish you a …
I would like to thank my advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozlem Bulbul. I would also like to express my gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gonul Filoglu and the lab team for their support. Thrilled to...
Ozlem Bulbul - Author profile - Europe PMC
Eurasiaplex: a forensic SNP assay for differentiating European and South Asian ancestries. A panel of 74 AISNPs: Improved ancestry inference within Eastern Asia. 52 additional reference …
Ozlem Bulbul | Longdom Publishing SL | 18854
Ozlem Bulbul has completed her PhD from University of Cologne in Sep 2010 - March 2011 under Prof. Dr. Peter M. Schneider from Germany. now she is an research assistant in Istanbul …
Ozlem Bulbul | Istanbul University | Turkey - OMICS International
"Dr. Ozlem Bulbul is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Department of Natural Sciences , lstanbul University , USA. Her research interests includes Forensic science, …
Özlem BÜLBÜL (0000-0002-1719-1646) - ORCID
Mar 12, 2021 · Contributors: Hulya Karakus; Ozlem Bulbul; Ali Kulaber; Huseyin Yaman; Sinan Pasli; Melih Imamoglu; Yunus Karaca; Engin Yenilmez; Vildan Ozer Show more detail. …
Ozlem Bulbul (0000-0003-2920-7614) - ORCID
Ozlem Bulbul via Scopus - Elsevier STR and SNP analysis of human DNA from Lucilia sericata larvae's gut contents Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series
Development of a SNP panel for predicting biogeographical
Our MPS panel contains two ancestry informative SNP (AISNPs) panels (i.e., Kidd 55 and SWA panel) to differentiate Southwest Asia from Europe and other continental regions. Then we …
Ozlem Bulbul - Academia.edu
Ozlem Bulbul: 4 Followers, 1 Following, 13 Research papers. Research interests: Forensic Medicine, Inca Archaeology, and Polymorphism.
Eye and hair color prediction of human DNA recovered from …
Nov 7, 2023 · In this study, we aimed to recover human DNA from Lucilia sericata (Meigen 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) gut contents and predict the eye and hair color of individuals using the …
Development of a SNP panel for predicting biogeographical ancestry …
Aug 9, 2018 · Our MPS panel contains two ancestry informative SNP (AISNPs) panels (i.e., Kidd 55 and SWA panel) to differentiate Southwest Asia from Europe and other continental regions. …
Forensic Ancestry Inference: Data Requirements, Analysis Methods…
Panels of Ancestry Informative SNPs (AISNPs) have been developed by many researchers. These have been shown to vary in frequency among populations. Databases have been …
Genetic relationships of Southwest Asian and Mediterranean
To examine the genetic boundaries to the SWAMSE region and whether internal structure can be detected we have assembled data for a total of 151 separate autosomal genetic markers on …
Ozlem Bulbul - Loop
Showcase your career and increase your impact by adding your brief bio now. This researcher does not have an active role on a Frontiers editorial board. You may recommend their …
To cite this article: Ozlem Bulbul, Tolga Zorlu & Gonul Filoglu (2018): Prediction of human eye colour using highly informative phenotype SNPs (PISNPs), Australian Journal of Forensic …