PF1218 or PF2232 oil filter - Diesel Place
Feb 10, 2010 · changing My oil and Parts store gave Me a PF1218 instead of a PF2232. will this cause a problem or not? specs on the 2 filters are about the same but the 2232 has a pressure bypass built in and the 1218 dont. flow ratings are the same the 2232 may have different media but I change My oil often 3500-4500 miles.
Question on AC Delco oil filters - Diesel Place
Dec 5, 2012 · 07 GMC Classic CCSB, 4WD, SLE, Silver Birch. Teensy Weensy T Bar crank , H2s 285/70/17E Toyo HTs, Pac Brake tie rod sleeves, Bilstein 5100s, Cognito pitman and idler braces, PIAA low beams, AVS Vent Visors, Husky Liners, LineX, Leer 100XL, Pioneer AVH P2400BT with back up cam, Autometer A pillar mount with Sport Comp II pyro and boost gauges,front footwell lights, 08 GM LED cab lights (POS ...
PF2232 Filter - Diesel Place
Apr 7, 2019 · I just bought a new PF2232(12691158), and have noticed, that there appears to no longer be a bypass spring inside the filter. I usually buy an extra filter to rotate as a spare, and for the next future use, to keep in my fluids box. The current PF2232(12677108) in my fluids box, that I intend to install next, has a spring on the inside at the ...
Wix vs. AC Delco OEM Oil Filter - Diesel Place
Aug 29, 2007 · Below are the specs for the WIX 57202 oil filter. Notice the micron rating. Part Number: 57202 UPC Number: 765809572027
oil filter tool - Diesel Place
Apr 8, 2008 · I'm trying to find someway to get a end cap tool for the ACdelco oil filter number PF2232. The tool you put on the end of the oil filter. Its not a band or strap, it fits snug on the bottom of the oil filter like a big socket.
OEM Oil Filter on the latest LLY - Diesel Place
Apr 3, 2004 · I went to Auto Zone & the computer pulled up the specific STP filter for my '04 Duramax (forgot the number, probably the 9100), but while they do carry AC Delco products, they don't have the PF2232. HOWEVER I found another AC Delco filter in the store (forgot the number) that was identical in size externally to the STP for this truck - looks to ...
ACDelco PF2232 oil filter part No: change - Diesel Place
Dec 6, 2017 · Al 2007.5 3500HD Silverado LTZ Kennedy Custom Tune :thumb: Banks Intake and 4 " exhaust, Air Dog 150, Leveled front end, aftermarket upper control arms, tie rod end sleeves, bypass oil filter, Pusher 3" "hot side" charger tube, aFe Turbo inlet pipe, PPE deep Trans Pan with temp gage, 2 low mod for front differential disable, PACBRAKE 5000# Air Bags with remote on board air...otherwise stock ...
Wrong filter? Help! - Diesel Place
Feb 4, 2023 · Last time I did the oil change , I accidentally grabbed the filter I use for my lbz. PF2232. Nothing happened that I’m aware of. Today I did another oil change and grabbed the same filter. It wasn’t till I went to do the oil change on my lbz that I realized I had the shelf labeled backwards. Is the pf2232 filter fine for the 6.5?
2 Quart oil filters using OEM Adapter - Diesel Place
Jan 4, 2020 · AC Delco PF2232 30 micron OEM $9.00 @ Amazon - 2 qt Ac Delco PF932 30 micron $10.50 @ Amazon - 2 qt Donaldson P550832 20 micron $11.50 @ my local Empire Cat. which is a Donaldson dealer. The Donaldson is a little harder to find for a good price, but I like the oil drain-back on it compared to the AC Delco PF932, which led me to start off with ...
AC Delco PF2232 filter - Diesel Place
Apr 16, 2006 · Hi Does anyone know the difference between AC Delco PF2232 filter and PF2232S? Been raining here for days and decided to do some price shopping on the internet. Most places were around 15.00 but AutoZone was 7.99 but the part number has the "s". What is the difference? Thanks Joe