Pms Jokes - 26 Hilarious Pms Jokes
PMS jokes aren't funny. Period. Why do they call it PMS? Because the name "Mad Cow Disease" was already taken. My buddy told me this back in 2002 and I've never forgotten this one. Why are women moody during PMS? Because they're ovary acting. What’s the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS? You can negotiate with a terrorist.
39 Cheeky Period Jokes That Are Pretty Bloody Funny - Scary …
Nov 29, 2021 · Periods aren't usually a laughing matter, but these period jokes are a great distraction to get you through those killer cramps. Check them out here.
60 Period Jokes That Will Make Her Laugh Through That Pain
Jan 29, 2024 · Take a break from whatever you're doing and check out this list of hilarious period jokes to cheer her up.
57+ pms jokes - laughlore.com
“The Menstrual Man: End of Cycle.” What’s the most challenging part of PMS for a calendar? Scheduling the bloody days. What do you call a superhero on her period? Ironwoman. Why is PMS like a spelling bee? One wrong letter, and you’re in pain! Why don’t periods go to parties? Because they always bring cramps! How do periods beat the clock?
40 Funny Period Quotes About Menstruation That'll Make You …
Oct 21, 2021 · So in celebration of (or at least in recognition of) getting your period month after month (after month after month), we've collected 40 of the best period quotes, jokes, and funny sayings about...
101 Period Jokes to Make you Smile - Humor Academy
101 Period Jokes to Turn That Red Frown Upside Down. And there you have it – 101 ways to laugh in the face of PMS! Whether it’s lightening up your cramps or giving you a funny comeback for Aunt Flo’s arrival, we hope these jokes brought a smile to your face.
Top 50+ Best Period Puns, Dad Jokes And Wordplays To Make …
Feb 7, 2025 · PMS Jokes: Hilarious Dad Jokes About That Time of the Month. 1. How does a woman on her period close a letter? With ovary-acting! 2. I’m not moody, I just have a lot of blood to deal with. 3. My period is like a comma – it never ends! 4. Why did the PMSing woman go to the art museum? She heard menstrual cramps were a work of art! 5.
31 Period Jokes That Are Just Really Fucking Funny - BuzzFeed
Mar 12, 2017 · 31 Period Jokes That Are Just Really Fucking Funny "My favorite mythical creatures are the happy girls in tampon commercials."
20 Hilarious Pms Puns - Punstoppable
Feb 17, 2021 · PMS jokes are not funny. Period. If PMS is Overy-acting.. Do they perform in a period piece? Most guys are afraid of women with PMS. Why is it called PMS? Mad Cow Disease was already taken. If you hit someone on 11:59:59 pm on a Sunday.... Does that mean you hit them into next week?
Good period jokes? : r/TwoXChromosomes - Reddit
Ask him: "Have you ever tried period sex? It's so nice to just go with the flow..." (Technically a pun not a joke, but the so-clalled lowest form of humor seems appropriate in this instance.)