ChartControl - @pnp/spfx-controls-react - GitHub Pages
This control makes it easy to integrate Chart.js charts into your web parts. It offers most of the functionality available with Chart.js. The control automatically renders responsive charts, uses the environment's theme colors, and renders a hidden table for users with impaired vision. Here is an example of the control in action:
Line Chart - @pnp/spfx-controls-react - GitHub Pages
ChartControl - Line Chart¶ Line charts represent data values as plotted points on a line. Example Usage¶ To create a line chart, add the ChartControl import:
SharePoint list data displayed using PnP Chart in the SharePoint ...
May 2, 2020 · This article provide steps to displaying SharePoint list data using PnP Chart in the SharePoint Framework (SPFx), PnP chart controles makes easy to integrate Chart.js charts into web part. Create a new web part project
PNP Transistor - Basic Electronics Tutorials and Revision
Jul 14, 2024 · Generally, the PNP transistor can replace NPN transistors in most electronic circuits, the only difference is the polarities of the voltages, and the directions of the current flow. PNP transistors can also be used as switching devices and an …
sp-dev-fx-webparts/samples/react-modern-organization-chart ... - GitHub
This web part show organization chart for current user, shows, managers and direct reports and there available status. On Click the profile page of will be open. Every SPFx version is only …
BC PNP Points Calculator (Updated Points Grid) - Truecanhelp
The Skills Immigration Ranking System (SIRS) is a points-based system used by British Columbia to assess and rank candidates in the Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC streams of the Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP).
Pie Chart - @pnp/spfx-controls-react - GitHub Pages
ChartControl - Pie Chart¶ Pie charts are divided into segments, each of which shows the proportional value of the data. Example Usage¶ To create a pie chart, add the ChartControl import:
Bar Chart in Spfx using PnpReusable React controls
This blog post explains how to create a Bar Chart in Spfx using PnpReusable React controls
npn pnp min max @ v ce (v) @ i c (a) typ max @ i c (a) @ i b (a) ksh340 ksh350 0.5 300 300 3 30 240 10 0.05 0.34 1 0.3 0.06 15 mjd340 mjd350 0.5 300 300 3 30 240 10 0.05 0.35 1 0.1 0.01 15 ksh29 ksh30 1 40 40 5 15 75 4 1 - 0.7 1 0.125 15 mjd29 mjd30 1 40 40 5 15 75 4 1 - 0.7 1 0.125 15 ksh29c ksh30c 1 100 100 5 15 75 4 1 - 0.7 1 0.125 15
sp-dev-fx-webparts/samples/react-chartcontrol/README.md at main · pnp ...
Jul 2, 2020 · This is a Chart Control version of the SharePoint Quick Charts. It supports every chart type and offers many configuration options. This sample also demonstrates how to create conditional property pane groups and custom property pane controls.