To make PRR B6 from Rapido or Bachmann 0-6-0 ? - N and Z …
Jun 18, 2021 · Hands-down, I'd use the Bachmann. You are going to have to make massive cosmetic changes either way to make this look like a PRR B6 (valve gear, firebox, cab, rods, domes are pretty much all wrong). But at least the Bachmann engine has fine-flanged drivers and a much smoother mechanism with finer gears than the old Rapido one.
PRR B6 #60 - Prototype Railroads: News, Photos, Research
Mar 21, 2021 · I went through Hochessin, DE where the PRR B6 #60 has been sitting for about the past 20 years if not longer in the same spot. When i looked over the I noticed she was gone. I know she is a rusting wreck and would need a tremendous amount of work just to make her look presentable anywhere to the public eye.
PRR B6 0-6-0 - page 1 - N and Z Scales - TheRailwire
Apr 21, 2017 · Author Topic: PRR B6 0-6-0 (Read 2201 times ... B6 history The earliest examples were produced in 1902 ...
PRR D16sb research for a build - page 1 - N and Z Scales
Feb 2, 2020 · Steal the cab from a Minitrx B6sb. It's a dead ringer, if not to use it, then to measure it. That whole loco screams the entire B6 shell. Nice and heavy for weight over the drivers. I actually have a filled in version of the shell- an all solid casting that you can have for the shipping.
Sound decoder in Trix 0-6-0 ? - N and Z Scales - TheRailwire
Mar 25, 2022 · Has anyone tried putting a sound decoder in the old Trix 0-6-0 ? It has the slop back tender and is a close rep of the PRR B6 b...
PRR B6 0-6-0 - page 2 - N and Z Scales - TheRailwire
Thanks, Max. I appreciate that. Jim Hale Trying to re-create a part of south-central Pennsylvania in 1956, one small bit at a time.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle (SP&S) 0-6-0 Project - page 18 - N …
May 3, 2017 · Max, your video looks a lot like the original one that I shot of the PRR B6. Microscopic bits of metal got picked up by the traction tire, and I could not wash them off. I wasn't careful enough about controlling this byproduct of the Dremel work, and it got into everything; a few bits even got into the paint on the boiler.
Shark nose in Gauge one ? - HO and Larger Scales - TheRailwire
Oct 3, 2024 · If your looking for a No1 Scale PRR prototype: Accucraft makes: 4-4-4-4 T1 4-4-2 E6 Fine Art Models makes: 4-4-4-4 T1 4-8-2 M1a 0-6-0 B6 GG1 N5 Caboose MTH Makes: GG1 VO1000 (Along with the PA and F7A/B)
PRR H10 - Who's built one, and what did you use? - page 1 - N …
Sep 10, 2012 · Author Topic: PRR H10 - Who's built one, and what did you use? (Read 11767 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest ...
PRR D16sb research for a build - page 2 - N and Z Scales
Feb 4, 2020 · I agree the B6 cab is close... I'm looking at what it would do if you cut the front wall off and shortened it to the proper length between the front window and the cab wall, maybe filed the rear windows larger. It's just plastic. And that boiler just looks fat to me.