My PSA level is 1.3, is this high. It rose from .6 to 1.3 ... - JustAnswer
Taking testosterone can raise your PSA due to prostate growth. However, if you had sex The night before, this is likely the reason why your PSA was falsely increased. You need to abstain …
My PSA was 1.6 last year. I just got my results and it ... - JustAnswer
A normal PSA level is below 4. Anything above 4 is considered abnormal. Having high PSA level does not mean that it is a serious issue because there are many possible causes of increase …
what is more important than one PSA test is the trend of where the PSA is going. if your PSA stays stable at 5.1, this is much less worrisome than if a PSA doubles each time for 3 times in …
I am 32 years old my total psa is 1.16 what does it tell? Is it too ...
Wanted to get 2nd opinion at age 28 psa was 0.8, I am 32 years old now my total psa is 1.16, free psa 0.4, should I be Dr. Mo | Physician 22,304 Satisfied Customers
My PSA test result is 1.11. What does this mean? - JustAnswer
Customer: My PSA test result is 1.11. What does this mean? Answered by Dr. Y. in 16 mins 14 years ago. Dr. Y.
Expert Answers on PSA Levels and Ranitidine Effects | JustAnswer …
Customer: My PSA last year was .57 and now is 1.22. I have noticed in the past several months my ejaculations seemed dull and I feel a very dull ache occasionally from Prostate. Though t …
Q&A: Understanding PSA Levels - Increase & Implications
Your PSA has gone up from 0.6 to 1.2, which is a small increase but still within a normal range for your age. A PSA rise can happen for many reasons, including an enlarged prostate (BPH), …
PSA Level 4.1: Understanding What It Means - Expert Q&A
My PSA is 3.87 ng|m| (0.1-4.1) PSA LIBRE 0.99 Cociente PSAlibre|PSA total 0.26 I am 89 years old. What doe this mean Dr. David | Experienced and Compassionate Physician Trained in …
My psa total is 1.79 and my % of free psa is 8.94 0.16L - JustAnswer
PSA of 1.79 is low low free PSA is not always worrisome at your age of 47, your chance of having a prostate cancer is super super super small you can get a prostate biopsy by a urologist to …
PSA test of 9.1 today, last year was 2.1, this sounds very alarming ...
I have PSA 4.1 at last test in July 2018 during flying medical.. due to a elevated psa during 2016 DocNid | I am a board certified physician with more than 25 years of experience. 1,386 …