Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Oct 27, 2009 · Parrot and companion bird forum: Dedicated to information, advice and the proper care of parrots and other companion birds. Come discuss flight, toys, feeding and other aspects of owning birds on our friendly forum. Topics include flight, …
Where to buy legit young birds/eggs - Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Jan 2, 2021 · Reputable breeders will not sell fertile parrot eggs, because parrot chicks require specialized care and feeding that is beyond the average person. It is not like hatching a chicken or duck egg. It would be extremely irresponsible to sell parrot eggs to a first-time owner, since parrot chicks require around-the-clock hand-feeding and ...
Genetics Calculator Usage- Predicting Offspring Mutations
Apr 15, 2010 · Questions about possible offspring mutations are frequently posted on the forum, and sometimes members are just not aware that this type of tool exists. Here are the links to genetics calculators for different species/genus of parrots: Genetic Calculator 1.3 Budgerigars Genetic Calculator 1.3...
Everyday Birdie Bread Recipe! | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Dec 21, 2021 · Thought I’d share one of my recipes, I’ll try and share them all over time! This is a Birdie bread suitable for daily consumption! Dry ingredients: 1/3 pellet powder (Any will work!) 1/3 cup bird safe flour ( I use either almond or coconut) 1/4 cup rolled oats 1 …
Harnesses that only attach to feet | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Jul 21, 2012 · Parrots do not have the same heavy muscles or thick leg bones; parrot legs are designed to support the birds' weight during perching. Besides that, jesses for BOP are rather wide cuffs that fit on the lower leg above the foot joint and all the jess clips I have seen are thin metal clips and I don't see them spreading the stress of a bird ...
Wayne's Bottlebrush Gyms | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Nov 3, 2009 · The upper tray of the Play Gym prevents your Parrot from climbing down onto the floor, and also acts as a catch-all for debris and Bird droppings. The lower tray supports the entire Bottlebrush Parrot Tree assembly and moves about on four wheels. Another benefit to Wayne’s Bottlebrush Parrot Play Gyms is the material the trays are made of.
Hand lotion? - Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Jan 10, 2011 · Cockatoo John's Parrot Paraphernalia Stoop and you'll be stepped on; stand tall and you'll be shot at. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
When to remove eggs? - Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Nov 9, 2017 · Rainbow laid 3 eggs and I'm monitoring her in case there's a 4th. Eggs are likely sterile as I separated her from Moony and BB when she got too aggressive (months ago). Its been about a week since the first egg. I do plan on removing them some time as I don't want her to sit around for too...
Reputable breeders? - Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Feb 25, 2019 · Wild parrotlets have even been observed to gravely wound each other in the wild. I love my parrotlets dearly, they are such sweet and lovely birds. So do not get the wrong idea that they aren't fantastic birds. I am just hoping to point out some possible problems. I think they can be a misunderstood parrot.
Any Cage Suggestion? - Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Mar 10, 2023 · Green Parrot Extra Large Bird Cage with Play Top PC1076 is a luxury bird cage for larger parrots such as Cockatoos, Macaws, African Greys, Amazons, Eclectus, Galahs, Corellas and other similar sized Large Parrots.