Home - PERA : PERA
PERA Board Appointment. Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan announced the appointment of two individuals to PERA’s Board of Trustees.
Members - PERA : PERA
myPERA IS YOUR PERSONAL LINK WITH THE ASSOCIATION Here you can: • Review and update your personal information • View a current estimate of your benefits (just like your …
About - PERA : PERA
Who We Are Established by the Minnesota legislature in 1931, the Minnesota Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) administers five retirement plans that serve county, city, …
Forms & Publications - PERA
W-4MNP. Complete the W-4MNP Minnesota state tax form for a refund or monthly benefits (retirement, survivor, or disability) and you want to withhold an amount different than the …
Benefits - PERA : PERA
PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION. 60 Empire Drive, Suite 200 | St. Paul, MN 55103
Enrollment - PERA : PERA
Notice of Member Enrollment. Complete this form to enroll an employee whose coverage under the Coordinated, Correctional, Police and Fire or Basic plan is required.
Online Services - PERA : PERA
If you have not received an email from PERA confirming a change in password, call PERA (1-888-892-7372 or 651-296-3636) to verify that our system initiated the change.
Retirees - PERA
myPERA is your personal link to PERA 24/7. Here you can: • Review and update your personal information • Sign up for PERA’s e-publications
Identification - PERA : PERA
5. Church record showing your birth date or age. 6. Hospital birth record. 7. Military record. 8. Marriage certificate showing your age. 9. Birth certificate of your child which shows age of parent