Drow Pets, Mounts, Familiars, and associated creatures
Mar 5, 2006 · Drow enjoy the company of bats of all kinds, whether carnivorous or herbivorous. In drow society they are used as pets, messengers (in the manner of carrier pigeons used by …
dnd 5e 2014 - What Pets or Livestock Would Drow Have? - Role …
Jan 8, 2020 · A giant lizard can be ridden or used as a draft animal. Lizardfolk also keep them as pets, and subterranean giant lizards are used as mounts and pack animals by drow, duergar, …
Drow - Forgotten Realms Wiki
A drow falling victim to the calling, a magical poison. Among the Underdark races, the drow were the most skilled in the use of poisons and toxins.
Guenhwyvar - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Guenhwyvar was a 600 lb (270 kg) black panther who resided on the Astral Plane. She was summoned to the Prime Material Plane by the use of an onyx figurine of wondrous power, …
Drizzt Do'Urden - Wikipedia
Drizzt Do'Urden (/ ˈdrɪtst doʊˈɜːrdɪn /) [1] is a fictional character appearing in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Drizzt was …
Is there a way to save petrified drows in the Underdark?
You can save them if Dhourn The Library Initiate dies + you only attack the Spectator during combat. The male Drow seem aimless if that person dies.
Pets for Drows : r/DnD - Reddit
May 3, 2015 · Hey guys, me and my gf have just started a solo session based around Adventure Time! but in the D&D universe, in her last session she won an animal egg in a Wizard Battle …
Drow - The Bestiary Wiki
Drow (aka Dark elves) are a subrace of elves featured in the Forgotten Realms series. They were known for living underground and having a remarkable resistance to magic. Drow were once …
Drow (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Aug 30, 2024 · Also known as dark elves, drow are a depraved and evil subterranean offshoot. White is the most common hair color among drow, but almost any pale shade is possible. …
Dark Elf/Drow (PHB) - DND 5th Edition
Descended from an earlier subrace of dark-skinned elves, the drow were banished from the surface world for following the goddess Lolth down the path to evil and corruption. Now they …