How do I breed a Pichu from an egg? I get everything but Pichu, …
Mar 14, 2010 · Thanks both for advice to try for Pikachu instead of trying to breed an egg for a Pichu to evolve into Pikachu. Dizipoo - 14 years ago - report Thanks for telling me about getting a Pikachu in Viridian.
trying to get Pichu from the odd egg... - GameFAQs
If you breed an egg move onto a male Pokemon then breed that with ditto, the chances are the same of being shiny (1 in 64) but you'll have a shiny poke with an egg move. You can't get dizzy punch this way, but then dizzy punch sucks anyhow. You could get a shiny Pichu with reversal this way though, or encore or something else cool.
Pichu egg? - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Q&A
Oct 12, 2009 · Hm i think you can get egg pichu from job. andibad - 15 years ago - report. 0 0.
Pichu egg? - Pokemon SoulSilver Version Q&A for DS - GameFAQs
Mar 14, 2010 · take a male pickachu and a female pikachu and put them in the daycare for a little or take a male or female pikachu and put it with a ditto in the Daycare
Pokemon FireRed Version – Breeding Guide - GameFAQs
Oct 6, 2004 · Otherwise, a Marill will be the child. To get a Wynaut child, one of the parents must be holding the Lax Incense item, else you will just breed a baby Wobbuffet. ----- Pichu and Volt Tackle ----- A new move, Volt Tackle, can only be acquired by Pichu and his evolutions, by breeding in Emerald.
Bleh. Another Shiny Pichu Egg. - Pokemon Ultra Sun - GameFAQs
For Pokemon Ultra Sun on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Bleh. Another Shiny Pichu Egg.".
How would you further differentiate Pichu from Pikachu?
Feb 14, 2025 · The one thing I do wish they didn't share was the Final Smash; because while it is an Egg Move and thus theoretically possible on a Pichu, I feel like Volt Tackle was already a great fit for Pikachu due to its heavy usage in the anime associating the move with Pika more, and that would leave a decent spot for Pichu's FS to be a reference to the ...
How does pikachu learn volt tackle? - GameFAQs
Oct 12, 2009 · Volt Tackle can only be found on a Pichu as an Egg Move. You can get an Egg Move for Volt Tackle if you acquire a Pichu Egg by completing a quest which is located on a floor of a Dungeon which has either a Pichu, Pikachu or Raichu on as an enemy. Once Pichu hatches from the egg, you will need to hope that Pichu knows Volt Tackle.
Where can i find a Pikachu or Pichu in Pokemon Crystal?
Jul 29, 2001 · Unfortunately - as stated - the only ways to get Pikachu / Pichu in Crystal is the following 3 options; 1. Get a Pichu from the odd egg obtained from the Day Care Centre. (Save before getting the egg, then hatch and see what it is - the pokemon that hatches from the egg is determined when you get the egg) 2.
Pichu/Pikachu Egg Moves - Pokemon X - GameFAQs
For Pokemon X on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Pichu/Pikachu Egg Moves".