SAPRO Structure | SAPR
SAPRO serves as the DoD’s central authority for sexual assault policy and provides oversight to ensure that each of the Service’s programs comply with DoD policy. The Under Secretary of …
SAPR Toolkit for Commanders and SARCs | SAPR
DoD SAPRO has gathered resources and tools to assist military leaders in establishing climates that are not conducive to sexual assault and harassment and instill confidence in SAPR …
The Department of Defense (DoD) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) represents the Secretary of Defense as the central authority charged with preventing sexual …
Home | SAPR
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) is the central authority charged with preventing sexual assault in the military and facilitating recovery for warfighters. SAPRO’s …
Mission & History - SAPR
SAPRO’s mission is to provide unparalleled warfighter support, advocacy, and recovery assistance – anytime, anywhere. Vision. A military free from sexual assault.
Leadership Biographies - SAPR
Director of SAPRO, Dr. Nathan W. Galbreath, PH.D., M.F.S. Dr. Nate Galbreath is the Director for the Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO).
Sep 28, 2016 · The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) was established in 2005 and serves as the Department’s single point of authority for sexual assault policy relating …
SAPRO is excited to announce the launch of VALIANT (Victim Advocates Learning, Innovating, and Networking Together) a new DoD online community of practice for Sexual Assault …
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Response Office (SAPRO) is conducting an annual campaign. SAPRO devel-oped the 2007 campaign in order to highlight DoD and Military Service programs developed to prevent sex …
DON SAPRO staff have been featured presenters at Navy and Marines’ training sessions, provided overviews of the Department’s strategic priorities relating to sexual assault …