Pluchea - Wikipedia
Pluchea is a genus of flowering plants in the tribe Inuleae within the family Asteraceae. Members of this genus might be known as camphorweeds, plucheas, or less uniquely fleabanes. Some, …
Pluchea odorata - Wikipedia
Pluchea odorata is an annual or perennial herb growing erect to a maximum height over one meter. It is glandular, coated in rough trichomes (hairs), and strongly aromatic. The toothed …
Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS)
Also known as Pluchea baccharis (fromerly P. rosea), Pluchea foetida. Moist wildflower garden. Grow as annuals. Not salt tolerant of inundation by salty or brackish water. Attracts bees, …
Marsh Fleabane - Calscape
Pluchea odorata is a species of flowering plant in the aster family, Asteraceae, that is native to the United States, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. …
Pluchea odorata (Sweetscent) - Gardenia
An excellent butterfly attractant, Pluchea odorata (Sweetscent) is an annual or short-lived perennial wildflower boasting dense, flat-topped clusters of rosy pink flowers in mid-summer to …
Pluchea indica - Wikipedia
Pluchea indica is a species of flowering plant in the aster family, Asteraceae. Its common names include Indian camphorweed, Indian fleabane, and Indian pluchea. [1] It is native to parts of …
Salt Marsh Fleabane - Nature Collective
Salt marsh fleabane (Pluchea odorata) is a charming plant with soft, bright green leaves and tiny magenta flowers in large, rounded clusters. It is a plant of contradictions. In late summer it is …
Plant FAQs: Pluchea Odorata – Marsh Fleabane - monsteraholic.com
Pluchea Odorata is a perennial herb native to the Americas, belongs to the Asteraceae family, commonly found in wetlands and marshy environments. It’s recognized for its strong, aromatic …
Pluchea carolinensis - Cure For All, Sourbush, Pluchea, …
Scientific Name: Pluchea carolinensis. Synonyms: Conyza carolinensis, C. cortesii, Pluchea cortesii, P. × fosbergii, P. odorata auct. non (L.) Cass., P. symphytifolia. Common Names: …
Pluchea - FNA
New species, new sections, and a taxonomic overview of American Pluchea (Compositae: Inuleae).