Pray (ability) - Final Fantasy Wiki
Pray (いのる, Inoru?), also known as Health, Prayer, or Healthgiver, is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series that heals the whole party. This ability was removed on the SNES North …
Pray mechanics - the Ability Pray, not the event - Final Fantasy X …
Can someone explain to me how the mechanics of this skill works? Yuna's Pray had been getting steadily stronger every once in a great while (started at healing 100-130, now heals anywhere …
What does having Tiuds pray in Besaid and Kilika do? - Final Fantasy X ...
Dec 17, 2001 · Praying affects the affection of the different characters. Like Bahamut Xtreme said before me, Praying raises Yuna's affection and not praying raises Lulu's affection. There are …
(Special) Pray | FFX|Game8
Dec 26, 2022 · A page with information about the Ability Pray from the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information about the ability including its effect and cost.
There is any way to cast cure all or fire all? - Final Fantasy X / X-2 ...
Pray can be made to heal 9,999 with Quartet of 9 or Trio of 9999. MIxes, however, are the only way to heal your entire party for more than 9,999 via Final Elixir. Al-Bhed potion is applied to...
Final Fantasy X Walkthrough: Besaid Village - Jegged.com
Walk over to Wakka once you reach the top of the hill and you can choose either to “Pray” or to “Just Watch”. Choose whichever option you wish as it has no impact on the story. Save your …
Chapter 02: Besaid Island - Final Fantasy X Guide - IGN
Mar 2, 2023 · After the cutscene, Wakka will ask if you know "the Prayer". Choose any of the two answers and Wakka will teach it to you. From there, it's time for some exploration! First, open …
FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster General Discussions - Steam Community
On the screen after the agency (so the one that leads to Macalania Woods), the stones take turn glowing, so just wait next to one until it glows. You can only pray to one stone on this screen, …
Having trouble with Cactuar stones in Thunder Plains.
Apr 13, 2014 · On the Nintendo switch use Y button to pray at the Qactuar stones. You know you are doing it correctly if you see the spirit of the Qactuar released. If you do not see the spirit of …
Final Fantasy X: Special Abilities on the Sphere Grid - Jegged.com
A list of Special abilities that each of the characters can obtain on the Sphere Grid - A section of the walkthrough and strategy guide for Final Fantasy X (FFX) by Jegged.com