Phytozome v13 - The Department of Energy's Energy.gov
Repeat library consists of De Novo repeats by RepeatModeler (Smit, 2008-2015) on Panicum virgatum genome and repeats in RepBase.
Panicum virgatum - Wikipedia
Panicum virgatum, commonly known as switchgrass, is a perennial warm season bunchgrass native to North America, where it occurs naturally from 55°N latitude in Canada southwards into the United States and Mexico.
Panicum virgatum - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Panicum virgatum, commonly called switch grass, is a Missouri native ornamental grass which was an important component of the tallgrass prairie which once covered large areas of the State. It occurs in both wet and dry soils in prairies and open woods, gravel bars and stream banks and along railroad tracks throughout most of the State.
Panicum virgatum 'Cape Breeze' PP24895 - Hoffman Nursery
Take a look at Panicum virgatum ‘Cape Breeze’. It shares the toughness and adaptability of Switchgrass cultivars while offering distinct outstanding traits. It’s short and upright; it’s salt tolerant, and it blooms earlier in the season and stays …
Panicum virgatum - US Forest Service
SPECIES: Panicum virgatum IMPORTANCE TO LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE : Switchgrass is an important livestock forage. In managed stands, it is used primarily for warm-season pasture and hay. Its use as warm-season pasture for cattle has increased in recent years in the Corn Belt.
JBrowse - phytozome-next.jgi.doe.gov
Mapped Models From Pvirgatum_v4_1 Mapped Models From Pvirgatumvar_AP13HAP1_v6_1 Mapped v4.1 Gene Models-Population variation (Lovell et al., 2021) 2. 732 sample variation - Full dataset 732 sample variation - Impactful variants-Transcripts 2. …
Dig deeper into Switchgrass, the genus Panicum. - Hoffman Nursery
Panicum virgatum was one of the major grasses in the Tall Grass prairie of North America. It is the most common Panicum species found in the horticultural trade. Taller varieties make beautiful screens and backgrounds, while shorter cultivars create lovely sweeps of color and texture.
Panicum virgatum — switch panicgrass - Go Botany
Switch panicgrass is a North American native perennial drought-tolerant grass that is a palatable forage grass and is planted domestically and worldwide for range and wildlife habitat improvement.
Phytozome v13
By integrating this large collection of plant genomes into a single resource and performing comprehensive and uniform annotation and analyses, Phytozome facilitates accurate and …
Phytozome v13
These dense RNA-Seq data sets further allow to compare gene expression across conditions within a plant and through orthologous gene sets across phylogenetically diverse plant genomes.
- Some results have been removed