May 6, 2021 · Ebbs and Flows – Versus Trends – in Inflation Expecting temporary factors to push measured inflation higher this spring (compared to underlying trend): Annual averages of inflation impacted by onset of pandemic – prices dropped significantly when pandemic was most problematic Oil prices distorted by pandemic
Pandemic Ebbs and Flows: Economic Data, Inflation Concerns, and ...
May 5, 2021 · It is likely that several temporary factors will make measured inflation this spring higher than its underlying trend – but these factors are largely the result of the ebbs and flows of the pandemic, which has produced unusual patterns in monthly economic data, and they seem unlikely to have an enduring impact.
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How economic data works - The Reformed Broker
Jul 8, 2019 · This is the ebb and flow nature of economic data. It is only when you pull back the chart and start looking at 90-day rolling periods, 180-day rolling periods, quarterly data, annual data, that a meaningful trend can be observed.
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May 5, 2021 · It is my view that the ebbs and flows of spending sensitive to social distancing have implications for future growth. The impact of the pandemic on such spending is worth noting.
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