Is there a difference between RAID 10 (1+0) and RAID 01 (0+1)?
RAID 0+1 (01): Disk 1 + 2 + 3 are striped to create a RAID 0 array, and then disks 4 + 5 + 6 to create RAID 1 redundancy. With RAID 0+1, a single disk loss from one side of the array (1,2,3 …
raid1 - How RAID 1 and RAID 10 become different when there are …
May 7, 2017 · In the case of RAID-01, you need to access all of the remaining drives in the array to rebuild the loss of a single drive. The reason is that you have a RAID-1 across two sets of …
Which RAID level (5 or 0+1) should I use with 3 disks and why?
Nov 9, 2010 · Five minutes ago, I was not even aware that RAID 0+1 was an option for 3 disks. So now I have a decision to make. Edit: Raid 0+1 with 3 disks. Glad I am not the only one that …
ubuntu - RAID 1+0 vs RAID 0+1 - Server Fault
Note that RAID "10" is not a classical RAID level, it is a nested RAID, and depending on manufacturer implementation it is either RAID 0+1 or RAID 1+0. RAID 5 if you want to …
Which is the best RAID between RAID 10 and 0+1? - Server Fault
Nov 16, 2011 · Raid 10 and 01 make no or a lot of difference depending how it is implemented (it must not make any difference, technically). Whether you raid first then stripe or stripe first then …
What are the different widely used RAID levels and when should I ...
RAID 01 Good when: never Bad when: always. It is the reverse of RAID 10. It creates two RAID 0 arrays, and then puts a RAID 1 over the top. This means that you can lose one disk from each …
hp - Why isn't my RAID array rebuilding? - Server Fault
Aug 14, 2014 · Ready for Rebuild is a bad status if you're using a parity RAID level, like 5 or 6. It means that you likely have read errors on another drive in the array... e.g. another failing drive. …
Which RAID solutions can handle 2 disk failures - Server Fault
Aug 13, 2011 · RAID-10 (or RAID-01, depending on your proclivities) can handle anywhere between M-1 and N/M failures (where N is the number of disks in the array, and M is the …
apache 2.2 - raid 0+1, raid 3 or raid 1x2 - Server Fault
You should never use RAID 0+1 if 1+0 is an option. RAID 3 is a non-standard level, I don't think you can even find a controller that supports it, and 2 separate RAID 1s might be an option, but …
Upgrade Raid 1 to Raid 0+1 and bootloader issue - Server Fault
Command (m for help): n Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) p Partition number (1-4): 2 First cylinder (1-261, default 1): Using default value 1 Last cylinder, +cylinders or …