.22 rat shot - Shooters Forum
Jun 2, 2011 · About 60+ years ago, my grandfather paid me a nickle for each rat I shot in his cage-free laying hen buildings. He had them on an artiifcial light cycle to increase egg production (with a dim "short artificial dusk" period during which the rats would become active before dark). Used a 9 shot .22 revolver with the .22 LR crimped shotshells.
22LR vrs 22Mag Rat Shot questions - Shooters Forum
Jul 16, 2005 · We use quite a bit of rat shot around our place. The simple answer is #1 - More Shot. #2 - More shot and higher velocity #3 - Order the .22 Mags from Midsouth Shooters Supply. The CCI shot loads have a good nylon base wad for the shot charge. These base wads have remarkable penetrating ability out to fifty feet or so. Keep that in mind.
Are there 22 caliber rifles made specifically for shooting rat shot ...
May 3, 2024 · Smoothbore .22 Long Rifle shotguns are available, but they are fairly lousy with standard/regular/normal .22 LR cartridges that use a bullet. Shotshell ammunition is more expensive than bullet ammunition. "Rat shot" from a .22 LR might not be as humane with rats as other options, again personal use will be a factor.
.44 mag rat shot - Shooters Forum
Jul 28, 2005 · I've used the handloaded variety of shot loads, too- both in 44 and in 38 caliber. The 38 shot load is a quantum leap ahead of the 22 load. The 44 shot load is twice as effective as the 38 load, IMO- or more. The 44 shot load is SO much more effective than 22 ratshot loads..... can't even begin to describe the difference.... Try the 44 load.
.38 Special Rat-Shot and Snake-Shot Recommendations - The …
Apr 16, 2011 · Fill with your choice of shot. I find #6 to work great in my 2" snubbie, but if you have a longer barrel you may want smaller shot for higher pattern density. Leave about 1/8 or so of space between the shot and the case mouth. Insert another wad over the shot, and seal either with wax or Elmer's glue.
.22 rat shot | Page 2 | Shooters Forum
Jun 16, 2011 · Status Not open for further replies. 21 - 40 of 48 Posts. 1 2 2
.22 LR Ratshot - Shooters Forum
Sep 24, 2010 · Yes, as William Iorg mentioned above, some manufacturers did make some smoothbore .22's specifically for shooting rat shot, but they're apparently very rare. My .22 is a rifle, not a pistol. I don't have any rat shot shells, but I noticed 4 boxes of Federal shells at my local gun shop. It seems only CCI makes the plastic tipped shells.
Rat/snakeshot - Shooters Forum
Jan 20, 2019 · When in high school many decades past, my grandfather paid me a few cents bounty on each rat I shot in his laying hen houses (he raised eggs commercially). No bullets allowed because he didn't want holes in the troughs, walls, or floors. I used crimped .22 shot cartridges in a.22 long rifle revolver with a six inch barrel. Good to about 12 or ...
What's the best gun for use on rats? - BackYard Chickens
Mar 11, 2009 · Just my two cents, but a live rat is a moving target. If you have had absolutely no training or practice, a gun would probably be a bad idea. Even one as light weight as a pellet gun. "Pellet" a small projectile that you are trying to shoot into a live, moving target. TSC stores have the green block poison that works pretty well. Maybe before ...
Does anyone make 22 LR Rat Shot anymore? - Shooters Forum
Apr 30, 2021 · I recently fixed up my (inherited) chicken coop and would like to begin carrying my 22 Walther Gold Cup or my High Standard Model B target with some rat shot. I know I had some in my stores at one point, but probably gave them away ages ago. My Walther has shown the ability to shoot and eject...