"Reaver Cutter" clarification por favor... | Firefly: The Game
Aug 29, 2014 · "When the “Reaver Cutter” card is drawn, the Cutter moves to the Sector of the player who drew the card." Additionally, it says 'MOVE SHIP' in the top-right corner of the …
Reaver Cutter ?? | Firefly: The Game - BoardGameGeek
Jan 6, 2015 · There are only two cards that put the Reavers in your space. Both are titled Reaver Cutter/Re-shuffle. One from the Border Space nav deck and the other is from the Rim Space …
Firefly: The Game – Starter’s Guide, Part 2 – Navigation, Outlaws ...
Feb 10, 2014 · Next up is the deck’s nastiest card, ‘Reaver Cutter‘. In the same way the Alliance Cruiser card resolves similarly to the Alliance Contact event, this functions almost identically to …
Firefly "Reaver Cutter" nav card - Board & Card Games Stack …
Feb 9, 2014 · The Reaver Cutter is resolved upon the players turn start. The Alliance Cruiser is resolved immediately. This is to simulate the Reavers "not being hungry" and the Alliance …
Evade clarification | Firefly: The Game - BoardGameGeek
Feb 20, 2015 · If you draw the Reaver Cutter Nav card, it's because you were flying. The evade (whether from a crazy Ivan, EDS or just the end of your fight with the Reavers) ends your fly …
Firefly: why is this game so brutal to its players. : r/boardgames - Reddit
May 2, 2015 · First, there's only one card in the deck that directly causes the Reavers to attack: Reaver Cutter. There's only one copy of that card and it reshuffles the deck. So if the card got …
Firefly: The Game – Starter’s Guide, Part 1 - Press X or Die
Feb 10, 2014 · On here, we have a couple of player ships (orange and blue) as well as the Reaver Cutter (red ship) and the Alliance Cruiser (grey). The Alliance Cruiser’s movement is …
Firefly the Game: Surviving the Black – GameSkinny
Sep 27, 2013 · The next big thing is that the Reaver cutter moves around more. A lot more. The Reavers move twice as much as the Alliance Cruiser with eight cards in the nav deck.
Firefly > The 'Verse
Two additional Reaver Cutters and new rules for these dangerous savages put the ‘Verse on high alert. Reaver activity is on the rise and your Crew is on the menu! A 10” x 20” map extension …
Reaver cutter question | Firefly: The Game - BoardGameGeek
When you draw the Reaver Cutter card, you resolve it. If you are resolve the card (say, lose 2 crew), and then the cutter is in your sector at the beginning.