What Bullets are folks using to reload 7.62x39??? - AK Rifles
Jun 27, 2022 · Finally the Reloading tool for the AK-47 and SKS Crowd! Yes finally you can reload your 7.62 x 39 steel Berdan cartridges that you used to throw away! Now you can easily …
Tips: Best Way to Reload an AK - Shooting Illustrated
Feb 10, 2020 · When you go to reload, get your trigger finger out of the trigger guard. Lower the stock from your shoulder, but keep the muzzle horizontal. Tuck the stock between your arm …
High-Performance 7.62x39mm Reloads for the AK-47
Apr 14, 2017 · 7.62x39mm Reloading Recap and Important Notes. For 7.62x39mm reloads, you can use .308 or .310 diameter bullets, but there are trade-offs for precision with .308 bullets. …
Reloading The 7.62x39 Russian Rifle - Reload Ammo
This is the round shot in the AK-47, the SKS and several other good autos on the used military rifle scene. Some of the thousands of rounds of military ammo are STEEL cases and not …
Reloading the 7.62x39 - AK Rifles
Sep 12, 2015 · I've been reloading the cartridge for over 10 years. Some of the j bullets I use are the Hornady 123 gr. FMJ,SP and V-Max in .310" dia. as well as Speer and PPU 150 gr. SP in …
Handloads for the 7.62x39 | Load Data Article
The 7.62x39, made famous by Mikhail Kalashnikov, who designed the AK-47, is a good example. Rarely considered to have a sundry of uses, this Russian military cartridge will surprise you …
Trying to learn about reloading | AK Rifles
Oct 28, 2024 · I would recommend picking up a copy of The ABCs of reloading in paper or digital, https://www.amazon.com/ABCs-Reloading-10th-Philip-Massaro/dp/1951115279. This will …
.308 Tracer 7.62x39mm Reloads for the AK-47 - Ultimate Reloader
Apr 29, 2017 · High-Performance 7.62x39mm Reloads for the AK-47. Now it’s time to put all of these learnings together, and to try something different: Loading 7.62x39mm ammunition with …
7.62x39 Reloading Data - Guns and Ammo
Reloading 7.62x39 ammo for sporting or military? The 7.62x39 can be found chambered in the sleek little CZ 527 bolt action (top) or in any number of foreign surplus SKS carbines (above). …
How long does it take to reload an AK-47? - TheGunZone
Feb 17, 2024 · Reloading an AK-47 typically takes around 3 seconds, but can vary depending on the proficiency of the user. Is this article helpful to you? 1. How do you reload an AK-47? To …