Has anyone experienced problems with Lcp 2 in .22LR - Ruger Forum
Jul 12, 2022 · My LCP II .22 is now almost completely updated with aftermarket parts -- trigger and springs all replaced, feed ramp polished. I used a spring kit that has stronger hammer and extractor springs, and a softer firing pin return spring. Light FP strikes are a thing of the past, ejection is better, and all that trigger take-up is gone.
Any of y’all carry an lcp2 in .22lr? - Ruger Forum
Nov 6, 2020 · I have the LCP .22, but I don't carry it. That said, I don't judge anyone else's choices. It's very easy to shoot, and if I was going to carry it, I'd train to shoot it fast and accurately, I'd do a lot of malfunction drills due to the nature of rimfire ammo, and I'd carry at least two spare mags. I carry a Glock 26 or LCP II .380 most of the time.
The Difficulty of a .22 Conversion for LCP - Ruger Pistol Forums
Aug 17, 2014 · The problem they are probably having is that the .22 long is not very reliable in semi-auto firearms and that the manufacture of .22 long in the United States may have ceased. As you can see below there is no way a .22 LR can be used in a conversation of the LCP, because the .22 LR is longer that the 380 ACP. Overall Length 9 mm 1.169 in (29.69 mm)
Ruger LCP II 22 lr M Carbo
Jul 4, 2021 · Black LCP 22 I'll keep STOCK so can compare any advantages ,etc. I also bought 2 Bersa silver Thunder 22s Love em But One I can easily return slide to frame, other one CANT , Tried for days. Think Machining may be bad > That's going back to BERSA . . They seem like a nice outfit. Any magical tricks to return 22 Thunder slide on frame are ...
Ruger LCP II 22lr vs Beretta 21A Bobcat
Feb 7, 2020 · The LCP .22 is just as or more accurate, is cheaper, has a 3 round capacity advantage, and functions just as well.. I like them both a LOT, but will say this- When I bought the Beretta in October or early November, the LCP .22 did not yet exist, as far as most of us knew..
The New Ruger LCP II .22LR semi auto pistol - Ruger Forum
Feb 15, 2021 · SR22, 10/22 Takedown 50th Anniversary edition, 10/22 50th anniversary laminate stock, 10/22 Factory Target model, 10/22 carbine in Archangel AA556-ex stock, 10/22 M1 Carbine, LCR .38 special, Mini 14 ranch, SP101 3", American Ranch 7.62x39, American Predator .223, Precision Rimfire .22LR, LCR .22 Magnum, Wrangler in Bronze, EC9S, LCP II .22LR...
LCP .22LR - Ruger Forum
Dec 15, 2022 · When it first came out Ruger advertised the LCP .22 as a training aid for the .380 version, and secondarily as a self defense gun/backup. After owning two of them (first one was stolen) I’m of the opinion: 1) nice low cost to shoot pistol, allows for experience gripping, aiming, firing. 2) handles lots of ammo brands and specs.
LCP II 22 Caliber - Ruger Forum
Jul 11, 2024 · I own a LCP II 22 cal Having a hard time finding a reliable ammo for this gun. At range last night tried Cci mini mags and Cci AR Tactical had several jams with both.
New LCP II with major problem - Ruger Pistol Forums
Feb 20, 2017 · Rugers presently owned: LCP II, LCP(2), LCP Custom(4) LC9S (semi-pro)(3), Convertible Single Six (x2), Mark II, MK IV Tactical, SR 22, 10/22 Takedown Lite, M77(.223), Mini-14, PCC 9 NRA Benefactor Gun Owners of America Freedom 's Never Free Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant taste of death but once.
Brand new LCP ii 22, failure to feed - Ruger Pistol Forums
Jan 15, 2015 · It occurs with 2 different magazines and 2 different barrels. The bullet doesn't enter the chamber, either hitting the top or bottom and hanging. This seems unacceptable. The issue isn't as bad with Federal 22 LR 40 Gr RTP: 300 rounds fired, 1 failed to feed. Ruger customer service said that some pistols are sensitive to ammo.