380 LCP II - Ruger Forum
Feb 16, 2024 · 380 lcp ii Jump to Latest 719 views 3 replies 4 participants last post by Higgy Baby Feb 16, 2024
LCP II - Is it worth the upgrade? | Ruger Pistol Forums
May 19, 2019 · Here's an interesting video review comparing the LCP, Custom and LCP II. Some folks still like their original LCP Gen 1, LCP Gen 2, or LCP Custom. Others have decided to "upgrade" to the LCP II. Let us know what you decided, and why. Pretty good review, even though he refers to the LCP II as...
LCP II New Extractor | Ruger Pistol Forums
Jan 31, 2022 · Greetings all, I am the proud owner of a LCP, LCP II & 2 LCP MAX all in .380. My LCP II had some issues with the original extractor that kept on ejecting the extractor and pin out of the slide within the first 8-12 rounds. This happened twice rendering the gun useless both times. The first time Ruger fixed the problem with the same slide ...
LCP II recoil spring | Ruger Pistol Forums
Mar 12, 2018 · Rugers presently owned: LCP II, LCP(2), LCP Custom(4) LC9S (semi-pro)(3), Convertible Single Six (x2), Mark II, MK IV Tactical, SR 22, 10/22 Takedown Lite, M77(.223), Mini-14, PCC 9 NRA Benefactor Gun Owners of America Freedom 's Never Free Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant taste of death but once.
LCP II 22 Caliber - Ruger Forum
Jul 11, 2024 · I own a LCP II 22 cal Having a hard time finding a reliable ammo for this gun. At range last night tried Cci mini mags and Cci AR Tactical had several jams with both.
LCP replaced with LCP II - Ruger Pistol Forums
Feb 15, 2017 · Sent my LCP to Ruger on 2/3 and picked up the replacement LCP II today (2/15) at the local FFL. Not yet to the range. But I took it home for a cleaning. While there I decided to try to make the 7rnd mag work. Ruger says that the 7rnd LCP mag will not work in the II. However , I find that with a slight modification, it does work.
LCP II 22LR Question - Ruger Forum
Mar 1, 2020 · Performance Spring Kit for the LCP II 22lr Lite Rack Introducing our newest Performance Spring Kit for the LCP II Lite Rack series of pistols. The concept behind the Lite Rack is fantastic, a small trainer for some and a high capacity semi automatic for those that want something small and lightweight for carry.
First trip with LCP II .22LR - Ruger Pistol Forums
Feb 7, 2020 · I found the .22 lcp trigger a little stiffer than the 380 lcp ii but I believe that is just newness. I'll keep comparing my lcp with the sr22 to see how I'm doing on any given day. The identicality of the two different caliber LCP II's is real. The safety I like on the 22. The magazine disconnect keeps me from quick cocking with the mag out.
anyone here own a LCP II in .22 caliber | Page 2 - Ruger Pistol …
Aug 13, 2020 · The all new LCP II chambered in .22 LR represents the latest innovation in compact carry pistols from Ruger. The .22 LR LCP II incorporates Ruger's new Lite Rack system, which allows for easy slide manipulation. The Lite Rack system includes refined slide serrations, pronounced cocking ears and a lighter recoil spring.
LCP2 .22lr Upgrades and Concerns - Ruger Forum
Aug 4, 2021 · And again more issues. Ruger Pistols are NOT the Pistols of the past. They are getting cheaper quality more each year. Not the Ruger Strong old fans of them are use to. Cheap materials, major issues and higher cost. Ruger spends million on AD's. Ruger please put more money into quality. Bring back the Old Ruger built tough again.