The Ruler Game - Learn to Read a Ruler
Online games to help you learn to read a ruler, micrometer, clock + much more. Fun and educational for both children and adults.
New Inch Ruler Game - Learn to read a Standard English Ruler
Use this game to learn and practice your ability to read a standard English ruler (also known as an inch ruler, customary ruler, or imperial ruler). This game can be played using either a mouse or a touchscreen.
The Ruler Game - Learn To Read A RSuler
The Ruler Game Learn To Read A Ruler. Instructions: Use this game to improve how you read a ruler. After you click on the button that says, "Start New Game," the name of a measurement will appear in the text box labeled, "Click on:."
The Ruler Game - Learn to read a Standard English Ruler
This online game will help you learn to read a standard English ruler (halves, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths). Fun and easy for both students and adults. Menu
Ruler 1 inch by 16ths Quiz - PurposeGames
Ruler 1 inch by 16ths — Quiz Information. This is an online quiz called Ruler 1 inch by 16ths. You can use it as Ruler 1 inch by 16ths practice, completely free to play. There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper.
Measure Lengths Using The Ruler Games for Kids - SplashLearn
Find ruler measurement games suitable for kids' age and skill level, aligned with the curriculum. Select a game that focuses on measuring objects with a virtual ruler or involves converting measurements using different units.
The Ruler Game - Learn To Read A RSuler - math party
Click on the, "Start New Game" button to start a new game. Under Preferences turn the timer off before starting your game to disable the time feature. To make learning easier, you can choose an increment level before starting your game and all selections will be at the chosen increment.
Strolling with my Gnomies - A Measuring Game - ABCya!
Players stroll with a gnome through a garden and use a virtual ruler to measure the treasures they find. They can choose between inches and centimeters. Players can also choose to include whole numbers, halves, quarters, eighths, or tenths. Use this game to review measurements!
Ruler Games: Metric Rulers and English Rulers activities
Ruler Games: Metric Rulers and English Rulers activities for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade
New Metric Ruler Game - Learn to read a Metric Ruler
Use this game to learn and practice your ability to read a metric ruler. This game can be played using either a mouse or a touchscreen. Press the Play Game button to begin playing the game.