In 'S' phase of cell cycle - Toppr
S phase (Synthesis Phase) is the phase of the cell cycle in which DNA is replicated, occurring between G1 phase and G2 phase. To produce two similar daughter cells, the complete DNA …
What is Interphase? – Definition and Stages - Toppr
A. G1 Phase B. G2 Phase C. G3 Phase D. Synthesis Phase. A1: The correct option is C, which is the G3 Phase. This is because there is no such stage as the G3 phase. Furthermore, the other …
Which of the following phases correspond to the interval between ...
A. S phase is a phase in which synthesis or replication of DNA takes place. B. G1 phase is the interval between mitosis and initiation of DNA replication. In this, the cell does not synthesize …
Can there be mitosis without DNA replication in 'S' phase? - Toppr
DNA duplication is important as it maintains the chromosome number in the daughter cells and hence mitosis is an equational division. Therefore, the duplication of DNA is an essential step …
The replication of DNA takes place during which phase
In a mammalian cell, the S phase typically lasts for about 8 hours. In simpler eukaryotic cells such as yeasts, the S phase can be as short as 40 minutes. By its end, each chromosome has been …
S-phase is not characterized by - Toppr
S-Phase or the synthesis phase is the second phase of Interphase during cell division. It is recognized by the process of DNA duplication in which the DNA synthesis takes place in this …
Most organelles show duplication in cell cycle during - Toppr
During G1- phase, cells grow and synthesize the 20 amino acids needed to manufacture proteins later on. B. Cell cycle begins with the resting phase. During this phase, cells are at ''rest''.
Onion root tip cells have 16 chromosomes in each cell. How many …
During the G 2 phase, the DNA content remains double the initial content as the cell enters the M phase. This is because the G 2 phase occurs just after the S phase and the cell prepares for …
When cell division fails after S - phase (DNA replication) in a
Although, there will be no increment in chromosome number: for e.g. if a cell has the 2n number of chromosomes at G 1, even after S phase the number of chromosomes remains the same, …
In S-phase of the cell cycleAmount of DNA doubles in each
Which of the following combinations of "phase of a cell cycle and its corresponding DNA content" can be considered normal? (i) Diploid cells found in the G 0 or G 1 phase. (ii) Cells with twice …