XM8 - SCP Daybreak Wiki
The XM8 is an assault rifle found in advanced supply drops. This weapon is almost a direct upgrade from the M4A1. Accuracy is similar and damage is higher. Firerate is not as high …
XM8 - RBreach Wiki | Fandom
The XM8 is an assault rifle found in rBreach Classic and rBreach Redux. It is the weapon of choice for the Chaos Insurgency . The XM8 is recognizable with its olive drab finish, and …
XM250 - SCP: Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
Aug 31, 2024 · The XM250 is the only weapon in SCP: Roleplay to be integrally suppressed. The Kriss Vector used to be integrally suppressed as well, but that has since been changed. In real …
RBreach Wiki - Fandom
SCP rBreach was created by Ancientroboman, and is inspired by the SCP Foundation as well as the Garry's Mod gamemode "Breach". In this wiki, you can find information about different …
List of weapons - SCP Roleplay Wiki
The XM8 is an assault rifle that was supposed to be produced by the US, but was cancelled. It was used by staff sergeant Scarlet James Twilight Rangers. The M16A4 is an assault rifle …
XM8 - IOP Wiki
Aug 5, 2024 · The XM8 was a lightweight, modular rifle system developed in the early 2000's by German arms firm Heckler and Koch. It was heavily based on the German service rifle, the …
Heckler & Koch XM8 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch XM8 is a lightweight assault rifle system developed from the late 1990s to early 2000s. The rifle was designed by German small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch …
Rapid Response Team (RRT) | SCP: Devolved Wiki | Fandom
Primary Weapons: XM8, AUG, Secondary Weapons: M9, Additional Items: Medkit. Role: You are the elite forces of the facility, and have superior strength compared to the MTF and Security. …
Server maintenance - SCP Daybreak
Last Defense is a horde defense game where you and up to 3 other players fight hordes of monsters from breakers to grapplers to protect a technician accessing an important airdrop for …
SCP Daybreak Wiki - Fandom
SCP: Daybreak is a horde defense game where you and up to 5 other players fight hordes of monsters from simple breakers to special chargers to defend a technician accessing an …