Track mounted SPT soil test drill rigs - tmgmfg.com
Our STR Soil Investigation Drill Rigs are designed specifically for the geotechnical engineer and soil testing contractor. These rigs are compact yet powerful and include a 4-speed gearbox, …
Multi-purpose soil investigation CPT, SPT drill rig CSR-155
The new CSR-155 soil test drill rig is a compact and powerful rig for SPT, CPT, DMT soil testing, wireline coring and rotary drilling. The CSR-155 has the versatility to auger drill, rotary/mud …
SPT Rig | Track Mounted SPT Soil Test Drill Rigs | SPT Machine
SPT rig, or standard penetration test drill, is a drilling equipment widely used in geological surveys, engineering construction, and other fields. By testing the penetration resistance of the …
3100GT Geotechnical Drilling Truck | Geoprobe Systems®
Geotechnical drill rig quickly completes SPT (augers & mud rotary), shelby tube samples, rock cores, and CPT cone. No CDL required on this drilling truck.
Drill rig for SPT test, coring and rotary drilling STR-138
The STR-138 is a mini drill rig for SPT soil testing, wireline coring and rotary drilling, and is the perfect entry level SPT rig. This small yet very powerful drilling rig is designed for tight job sites …
D-50 High Torque, Heavy Duty Drill Rig - Diedrich Drill
All-purpose drill rig for soil and rock explorations using augers, rotary tools, or core drilling tools. The new and improved 2024 and newer D-50 models now have a max output speed of 790 …
SPT DRILLER/OPERATORS GUIDE by Jeff Farrar Earth Sciences Laboratory INTRODUCTION The purpose of this technical note is to review important aspects of the Standard Penetration …
CME Automatic SPT Hammer, Auto Hammer, Drill Rig Optional …
The CME 140-lb automatic SPT hammer provides extremely consistent and accurate Standard Penetration Test results, meeting all ASTM-D-1586 requirements. There are no ropes or …
Home | Wells Geotech Llc
Our primary focus is hollow stem auger SPT drilling. We own and operate a tracked CME 55 and a CME 550X drill rig with tandem rear tires – both are brutes capable of meeting nearly all your …
Hand Pulled DPT and SPT Sounding Rigs - Gouda Geo
The LMSR-SPT version is also capable of doing SPT type dynamic penetration tests according to ASTM D1586 and ASTM D4633. All versions are also capable of taking soil samples. In order …