SSAT Online Practice Tests | Free Mini Practice Test
Four full-length practice tests, 15 practice section tests, over 50 subject quizzes, and detailed reporting delivering instant feedback make the official Online Practice the best SSAT preparation for all test modes.
SSAT Practice Tests | Official Online Prep & Guide Books
Start with our free online Mini-Practice Test to identify where your student should focus studying, then dig into our comprehensive Online Practice and SSAT Guide Books packed with four full-length Middle and Upper Level practice tests.
SSAT | Secondary School Admission Test
New to the SSAT? Take a minute to learn about your options before signing up. From selecting a test type to accommodations, practice, and submitting results to schools, let our quick introductory video and the step-by-step guide below show you the SSAT process.
SSAT Tips and Advice - Secondary School Admission Test
Learn which Middle- and Upper-Level SSAT testing option—paper, Prometric, and at-home—is right for your child, along with best-practice preparation strategies.
SSAT Official Study Guide Books | Best SSAT Test Prep
The best SSAT practice plans begin with our free online Mini-Practice Test. This 30-question test delivers a detailed instant report showing the student’s ten highest and lowest-scoring topics, so you know exactly where to focus studying.
SSAT at Home Preparation Checklist | Official SSAT
The Official SSAT Online Practice from the creator of the SSAT at Home provides the best simulation for taking a computer-based SSAT. Complete with four full-length practice tests, 15 practice section tests, and over 50 quiz subjects.
About the SSAT | Private School Admission Test
The Official SSAT Practice Materials from the assessment team that creates the SSAT include Online Practice and Guide Books. Both have four full-length practice tests mirroring the SSAT experience. Get started with the free online Mini-Practice test to identify where to focus studying.
SSAT at Home Registration Process | Official SSAT
The Official SSAT Online Practice from the creator of the SSAT at Home provides the best simulation for taking a computer-based SSAT. Complete with four full-length practice tests, 15 practice section tests, and over 50 quiz subjects.
Upper Level SSAT | High School Admission Testing
Learn about the various testing options for the Upper Level SSAT, the premier high school admission test for students currently in grades 8–11. FEATURED SCHOOL: The Brook Hill School (TX)
SSAT Prometric Registration Process | Official SSAT
The Prometric SSAT is a secure, computer-based version of the SSAT taken at Prometric test centers, renowned worldwide for administering technology-enabled assessments. It is the same reliable test as the paper and SSAT at Home versions.