Social Security Number Prefix List - SSOfficeLocator.org
The first 3 numbers of a Social Security number is called the prefix. These numbers tells you what state that SSN was issued in. You can see the Social Security number prefix list below.
Social Security number & card | SSA
Manage your Social Security number, which is your first and continuous connection to us. Replace your card if it's lost, stolen, or damaged and you need it to get something done. …
RM 10201.055 Social Security Number (SSN) Card History
Emphasize the internet as the most convenient way to access SSA’s services. Thirty-fifth version of the SSN card (08/2011 revision). Beginning 08/11, a square 2D barcode of the control …
The Social Security number was developed for this pur- pose. The Social Security number (SSN) consists of nine digits divided into three parts, with each part usually separated by a hyphen: …
Search by Social Security Number to see when and where a number was issued and determine the number's validity. We also offer detailed fact sheets about Social Security taxes, Social …
Social Security Number Format | What Do The Numbers Mean?
Nov 19, 2024 · The Social Security number format is a nine-digit number, generally separated by hyphens into sections of three, two, and four digits. For example, a typical SSN follows the …
15+ Blank Fillable Social Security Card Templates (FREE)
Apr 2, 2023 · Use these templates to create ID tools when you need proof of your Social Security Number (SSN) without carrying the card. Schools and training programs can use templates to …
Social Security Card Template Front and Back - ssnmaker.com
Our high-quality templates are fully customizable, designed for easy use with editable layers so you can add your SSN, name, issue date, signature, and the backside code (Sequential …
Social Security History
Back of card showed: Federal Security Agency, Social Security Administration. 1948. Eighth version of SSN card (6/48 revision). Some cards were the same as the prior version; others …
Custom Social Security Card packages are the perfect solution for anyone looking to apply for a new or replacement social security card. Every individual needs to have their own unique …