SAPR Toolkit for Commanders and SARCs | SAPR
Commanders and Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) are responsible for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program at their military installation or organization.
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The SAPRTEC Course Catalog is now available on SPARX Connection and VALIANT. The catalog offers a consolidated, comprehensive listing of SAPRO course offerings and more than 30 self-paced courses and webinars for SAPR professionals. …
The Department of Defense (DoD) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) represents the Secretary of Defense as the central authority charged with preventing sexual assault in the military and facilitating recovery for warfighters.
SAPRO Fact Sheets | SAPR
SAPR Forms (additional information is available at SAPR.mil/Forms) Know Your Rights, Know Your Options; Sexual Assault Response Flow Chart; SAPRO Victim Assistance; Sexual Violence Support and Experiences Study (SVSES) General SAPR Information: DSAID Basics; Facts About Sexual Assault Perpetrated Against Men; FY23 Annual Report Fact Sheet
DoD SAPRO represents the Secretary of Defense as the central authority charged with preventing sexual assault in the military and facilitating recovery for our warfighter. SAPRO’s mission is to provide unparalleled warfighter support, advocacy, and recovery assistance – anytime, anywhere.
Leadership Biographies - SAPR
Director of SAPRO, Dr. Nathan W. Galbreath, PH.D., M.F.S. Dr. Nate Galbreath is the Director for the Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO). In this position, he is the Department’s expert for prevention and response programs and their relationship to behavioral health, forensic science, criminal ...
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response - SAPR
The SAPRTEC Course Catalog offers a consolidated, comprehensive listing of SAPRO course offerings and more than 30 self-paced courses and webinars available on Joint Knowledge Online for SAPR professionals.
Mission & History - SAPR
SAPRO’s mission is to provide unparalleled warfighter support, advocacy, and recovery assistance – anytime, anywhere. Vision. A military free from sexual assault.
SAPR Toolkit for Commanders and SARCs
Commanders and Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) are responsible for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program at their military installation or organization.
Reporting Options - SAPR
Under DoD SAPR Policy, Service members and their adult military dependents have two reporting options: Unrestricted Reporting and Restricted Reporting. Unrestricted Reports allow adult victims of sexual assault to report crimes without requesting confidentiality of their allegations.