Saruman | Tolkien Wiki
Apr 10, 2020 · Saruman pretended to keep his loyalty to the adversary while he was yearning for the Ring. However, his plans lay wasted because he was defeated both during the Battle of …
Wizard Staff | Tolkien Wiki
Jun 6, 2020 · Saruman used the staff against the Nazgûl in Dol Guldur as he deflected their assaults. The sphere in the staff burns white as he strikes the Nazgûl, displaying his magical …
Palantíri | Tolkien Wiki
Jun 8, 2020 · In response, Aragorn shatters the brooch Arwen gave to him against the floor of the throne room. When Saruman uses the palantír, a swirling haze becomes visible inside the …
The Tragic Character of Saruman. - The Tolkien Forum
Mar 30, 2004 · This is really just a discussion on how Saruman fits all the qualities of a Tragic Character. The only question I have is: Does he acheive Transcendence? And any other …
Question About Saruman and his Power (?) - The Tolkien Forum
Aug 6, 2002 · So after Saruman nicked his in Orthanc, he just carved another out of a piece of dead wood. The breaking of the staff just showed how much more powerful Gandalf was …
The answer to Saruman's Ring - The Tolkien Forum
Jan 13, 2002 · Saruman's ring is not one of the 19. In the version that you are referring to Radagast the Brown was Radagast the Grey, Shadowfax was Greyfax and Boromir was from …
Where did Saruman's spirit go? | The Tolkien Forum
Apr 11, 2002 · Where did Saruman go In the book, when Wormtongue slits Saruman's throat, Saruman's spirit (I suppose) rises as a big white shadowy figure over his dead body and …
Saruman and the horses, was that weird to you too?
Jun 30, 2002 · Something along the lines of "I understand you all too well, but you understand me not at all." Simply put, Gandalf is THE expert on Saruman's mind and his doings. If Gandalf …
How did Gandalf get his staff back from Saruman?
Nov 17, 2004 · Saruman, in having had his staff taken by Gandalf, would have been humiliated. Part of his power rested on the respect people showed him, with that gone he lost something …
️Sauron and Saruman - The Tragedy of Good Intentions
May 30, 2019 · Both Sauron and Saruman, embodying Nietzche's modernist philosophy, decided to try and achieve perfection (that is, Godhood) on their own. But in trying to become gods, …