Shantou - Wikipedia
Shantou, a city significant in 19th-century Chinese history as one of the treaty ports established for Western trade and contact, was one of the original special economic zones of China established in the 1980s, but did not blossom in the manner …
汕头市 - 百度百科
汕头市(Shantou City),简称“汕”,别称鮀城、鮀岛,广东省地级市,是潮汕四市之一,著名的华侨之乡,广东副中心城市,经济特区,位于广东省东部,北邻潮州市、揭阳市,南临南海。
汕头市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
汕头市,简称 汕,别称 鮀城, 是 中华人民共和国 广东省 下辖的 地级市, 国务院 以《立法法》确立的 经济特区 、海峡西岸经济区中心城市之一、21世纪海上丝绸之路重要门户、粤东中心城市和东南沿海重要港口城市,广东 省域副中心城市,位于广东省东部,市境西邻 揭阳市,北接 潮州市,东隔 台湾海峡 与 台湾 相望,南滨 南海 、地处 莲花山脉 东南麓, 韩江三角洲 平原, 韩江 、 榕江 、 练江 的入海口,东部为广东省最大岛屿 南澳岛 、市政府驻跃进路28号。 宋朝 时,汕 …
25 Things to Do in Shantou (China) - The Crazy Tourist
May 1, 2023 · Shantou is the epicenter of the traditional southern Chinese theater known as Chao or Teochew Opera in English. Unlike the better-known Beijing/Peking opera, Chao opera is sung in a natural voice, which makes it more accessible for Western ears.
Shantou Travel Guide: History, Highlights, Where to Go
Aug 12, 2024 · Shantou is situated in the southeastern corner of East Asia, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. Boarding on the South Sea, the city is one of the most important open-to-the-world harbors both in the Guangdong Province and in China.
汕頭市 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
4 days ago · 汕頭市,簡稱 汕,別稱 鮀城, 是 中華人民共和國 廣東省 下轄的 地級市, 國務院 以《立法法》確立的 經濟特區 、海峽西岸經濟區中心城市之一、21世紀海上絲綢之路重要門戶、粵東中心城市和東南沿海重要港口城市,廣東 省域副中心城市,位於廣東省東部,市境西鄰 揭陽市,北接 潮州市,東隔 台灣海峽 與 台灣 相望,南濱 南海 、地處 蓮花山脈 東南麓, 韓江三角洲 平原, 韓江 、 榕江 、 練江 的入海口,東部為廣東省最大島嶼 南澳島 、市政府駐躍進路28號 …
Shantou | City Overview & History | Britannica
Jan 21, 2025 · Shantou, city in eastern Guangdong sheng (province), southern China. It lies on the coast of the South China Sea a short distance west of the mouth of the Han River, which, with its tributary, the Mei River, drains most of eastern Guangdong.
Shantou - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shantou (simplified Chinese: 汕头; traditional Chinese: 汕頭; pinyin: Shàntóu shì), alternately romanized as Swatow, is a prefecture-level city on the eastern coast of Guangdong province, China. In 2020, 5,502,031 people lived there.
Shantou – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Shantou (汕头 Suan 1 tao 5 in Teochew, Shàntóu in Mandarin), known as Swatow in the local language, is a coastal city and Special Economic Zone in Guangdong Province in China. It is located in the east of the province near the border with Fujian .
Shantou Attractions China: Things to Do, Places to Visit
Shantou is a beautiful harbor city in south China with many attractions. The long coastlines, high quality beaches, exquisite islands, together with the subtropical maritime climate, bless this city with charming marine vistas. Being home to thousands of overseas Chinese, the city also boasts of its special spots in relation to those countrymen.