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Gods & Faith in Eberron for Dungeons & Dragons - D&D Beyond
Aug 2, 2018 · Eberron is the natural world that holds that darkness within it, and then Siberys is the ring around the world. So, that's a sort of base that we just say, "This is our explanation for …
Welcome to Eberron! An Introduction to a Realm of …
The body of Eberron became the very planet upon which all adventures begin. Siberys’s body became the Ring of Siberys, a planetary ring that surrounds the body of Eberron. Siberys may …
Khyber - Search - D&D Beyond
The greatest among them were the overlords, who held dominion over a world of fear, war, and death until the children of Eberron and Siberys rose up against them. Armies of dragons …