Silbury Hill - Wikipedia
Silbury Hill is a prehistoric artificial chalk mound near Avebury in the English county of Wiltshire. It is part of the Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Silbury Hill, Avebury - English Heritage
The largest artificial mound in Europe, mysterious Silbury Hill compares in height and volume to the roughly contemporary Egyptian pyramids. Probably completed in around 2400 BC, it apparently contains no burial. Though clearly important in itself, its purpose and significance remain unknown.
History of Silbury Hill - English Heritage
Silbury Hill is the largest artificial prehistoric mound in Europe. Probably built over a short period between about 2470 and 2350 BC, it is one of the most intriguing monuments in the prehistoric landscape of the Avebury World Heritage Site.
Silbury Hill - History and Facts | History Hit
Apr 28, 2021 · A Stone Age chalk mound with a mysterious past, Silbury Hill is the largest man-made mound in Europe. Only 1500 metres south of the main Avebury Rings stands Silbury Hill, the largest and perhaps the most enigmatic of all megalithic constructions in Europe.
The Monumental and Mysterious Silbury Hill | Ancient Origins
Apr 17, 2016 · Silbury Hill is a prehistoric site located near Stonehenge and Avebury (a Neolithic henge monument) in the southwestern English county of Wiltshire. Silbury Hill has been measured to be 30 m (98.4252 ft.) tall and 160 m (524.93ft.) in width, thus making it the largest artificial earth mound from Europe’s prehistoric period.
Silbury Hill: A last look inside - Current Archaeology
Jan 17, 2008 · On May 29, 2000, Amanda Chadburn, the English Heritage Inspector of Ancient Monuments for the South-Western Region, received an alarming phone call: Silbury Hill had collapsed… A large hole had appeared in the top of the huge mound – the largest mound in northern Europe – and something needed to be done about it.
Silbury Hill - Bradshaw Foundation
Almost a mile south of the Avebury Henge is Silbury Hill, an immense artificial mound built mostly of chalk rubble, now naturally covered with turf. Surrounding the mound is the Silbury Ditch.
Silbury Hill - Atlas Obscura
Jun 6, 2010 · Silbury Hill stands almost forgotten on the Wiltshire countryside. The largest prehistoric mound in Europe, the Hill is nearly eclipsed by the close proximity of the megaliths of Avebury.
Silbury Hill: The Neolithic and Beyond
Feb 28, 2022 · Silbury Hill, situated in Marlborough in Wiltshire, is the largest artificial mound in Europe. Wiltshire. Ever since the Duke of Northumberland sunk the first shaft into the mound’s interior in 1776, archaeologists have tried unsuccessfully to solve the mystery of …
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire: The Complete Guide - TripSavvy
Apr 25, 2019 · This gigantic hill squats on the flat Wiltshire landscape not far from Avebury Henge. It is the biggest man-made mound in Europe, comparable in size and age to the pyramids in Egypt. Until recently, no one was prepared to even guess who built it or why.