Skoda T50 vs Standard B. Which one is better? : r/WorldofTanks
Jan 8, 2022 · Skoda T50 pros:-short intra-clip -slightly better gun handling -better DPM -better power/weight ratio -a bit more view range Standard B pros:-higher alpha damage -10 degrees of gun depression (2 degrees more) -better ammunition (penetration) -better top speed …
Does everyone like the Skoda T50? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Most Tier 9 tanks and most MTs between them are pretty strong IMHO. The Skoda T50 is of of the strongest Tier 9 MTs, without being "the best" necessarily. As far as damage potential goes, it surely is one of my most effective in its Tier, but it is large with negligible armor & camo, so it is hard for you to "carry" games without proper assistance/distraction etc. Tanks …
Is the Skoda T50 worth it? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Dec 30, 2015 · the Skoda T50 is the best/most fun tier 9 tank in the game, but please consider grind the top gun with free xp, you will need around 100k (tracks, turret and gun) Reply reply pizza17
3Moe review of the skoda T50 : r/WorldofTanksConsole - Reddit
Oct 22, 2018 · Now about the tank: the skoda T50 is the tier 9 czech autoloading medium Tank and Getting to tier 9 can be described as a huge pain in the ass with the only highlight of the Line beeing the tier 6. Armor: While thin as butter everywhere apart from the mantlet it still is surprisingly bouncy.
Skoda T50 and TVP T 50/51 equipment and crew : r/WorldofTanks
Jan 1, 2016 · Worse camo, slightly slower, and the lowest pen on a t10 medium. Better gun handling and much faster rof and clip reload time. Less clip potential and has 7 degrees of gun depression. Generally has enough armor
Skoda T50 vs TVP 50/51 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Jul 2, 2020 · The 50/51 is faster with better acceleration, 4 shells in the autoloader vs the 3 of the T50, and has thicker armour. They're both big tanks with poor camo. The armour is a moot point though as both tanks are easily penetrated. I like them both but honestly i got the 50/51 for the 3d style from season 2, i prefer to play the T50.
Do you like the Skoda T50 or TVP T 50/51 better? : r/WorldofTanks …
TVP T50/51. The absolute king of late game aside from the bat chat. The ability to pump out 1280 dmg in less than 5 seconds as well as the incredible clip reload and the speed of the tank makes it an incredibly fun and versatile tank to play. Camo could be improved but in all honestly if the camo was better it would be overpowered.
Tips on the Škoda T50 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Nov 24, 2023 · I'm in love with this tank after I suffered so much with the TPV the T50 I feel is awesome, would I like a bit of more dmg? yeah, but I find out myself playing as the other guys mention, kinda second line in the front, as you can bounce but you are made of paper, so for me the best way to play it, is behind a heavy that you use as cover, and you also support the heavy you are with, when he ...
Three Marked Skoda T50 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Feb 2, 2021 · I do consider the Skoda T50 a top 5 or even top 3 tier 9 medium though. Just not a great fit for most people. Here's weird armor tidbit about the Skoda though, while it's side armor is stated as 40mm, you also have 3mm of spaced armor making it semi-resistant to overmatching. While it's nowhere near as good at sidescraping as the E50, you can ...
The Skoda T 50 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Feb 4, 2023 · It's an amazingly powerful tank and easily one of the strongest tier IX mediums in general - it's not easy to master, it's a big and bulky tank, the armor sucks and the mobility isn't anything special but when you learn how to work around that, T50 transforms into one of the most voracious beasts you can play in this game, second only to the older brother, T50/51.