Sliggoo Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations
National № 0705: Type: Steel Dragon: Species: Snail Pokémon: Height: 0.7 m (2′04″) Weight: 68.5 kg (151.0 lbs) Abilities: 1. Sap Sipper 2. Shell Armor Gooey (hidden ability): Local № 0020 (X/Y — Mountain Kalos) 0179 (Sun/Moon — Alola dex) 0218 (U.Sun/U.Moon — Alola dex) 0390 (Sword/Shield) 0116 (Legends: Arceus) 0173 (Scarlet/Violet) 0061 (The Isle of Armor) 0179 …
List of Pokémon (sprites gallery) | Pokémon Database
Click a Pokémon's name to see its detailed Pokédex page, or click a type to see other pokemon of the same type. See also: Pokédex with stats.
Pokémon that evolve by level - Pokémon Database
This is a list of Pokémon that evolve upon reaching a certain level, which is the most common evolution method. A few Pokémon also need to meet a condition such as gender to evolve; these are also listed.
Pokémon type chart: strengths and weaknesses
Type chart changes. The majority of the type chart has remained the same over the years, but there have been a few changes. In Generation 2, Dark and Steel types were added, while in Generation 6 (Pokémon X and Pokémon Y) the Fairy type was added.Below are the differences compared to the current type chart.
Pokémon Pokédex: a database of stats, information and pictures
About Pokémon stats. Every Pokémon creature has an array of stats. HP (Hit Points) is a Pokémon's life force. If your Pokémon's HP hits zero, it faints and is no longer usable in battle (it can still use Hidden Machines, though).
Pokémon evolution charts - Pokémon Database
Complete list of Pokémon evolution chains and required conditions for evolution. Covers all Pokémon including the Scarlet/Violet games.
Shelgon Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations
National № 0372: Type: Dragon: Species: Endurance Pokémon: Height: 1.1 m (3′07″) Weight: 110.5 kg (243.6 lbs) Abilities: 1. Rock Head Overcoat (hidden ability): Local № 0188 (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald) 0015 (X/Y — Coastal Kalos) 0197 (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire) 0118 (Sun/Moon — Alola dex) 0148 (U.Sun/U.Moon — Alola dex) 0277 (Scarlet/Violet) 0114 (The …
Sliggoo - Generation 6 learnset - Pokémon Database
All the moves that #705 Sliggoo can learn in Generation 6 (X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire), plus for its egg moves, compatible parents and breeding details.
Pokémon Database -- the fastest way to get your Pokémon …
After a little bit of Pokemon history and some brief trailers on mobile games, a new game was announced: Pokemon Champions. It will be available on the Nintendo Switch as well as mobile devices, and focuses on core-style battles .
Effort Value (EV) yield by Pokémon | Pokémon Database
This page lists every pokemon, with the Effort Points (EVs) they provide in each stat. Check the main EVs page for more details on how they work.