python - pyplot scatter plot marker size - Stack Overflow
Making the marker size as small as possible with matplotlib.pyplot. 1.
Control the size of points in an R scatterplot? - Stack Overflow
Feb 26, 2019 · As rcs stated, cex will do the job in base graphics package. I reckon that you're not willing to do your graph in ggplot2 but if you do, there's a size aesthetic attribute, that you can easily control (ggplot2 has user-friendly function arguments: instead of typing cex (character expansion), in ggplot2 you can type e.g. size = 2 and you'll get 2mm point).
Python plotting: How can I make matplotlib.pyplot stop forcing …
Apr 2, 2017 · The problem is this: when I use pl.show() to view the file in the GUI it looks great with small tiny black marks, however when I save from the show() GUI to a file or use directly savefig and then view the ps I created it looks different! Each marker has gained a little blue halo around it (as if it started at each point to connect them with ...
How to just add a small dot to react nativation bottom tab …
Aug 31, 2020 · I'm trying to implement a notification dot ontop of my activity icon in the bottom tab navigator. Here is my code: const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator(); @inject('store') @observer class HomeTabs
What would be the Unicode character for big bullet in the middle …
Oct 19, 2012 · Below is a snippet for achieving a centred text dot of any size, using the · entity in HTML context. The dot size can be adjusted by the font size ( font-size ). The colour is inherited from the colour of the surrounding text.
Add a single dot below each character using CSS
Jun 8, 2017 · I found some solutions for putting dots below the text (white dots below HTML text), but I don't want "dotted underlining", I want every character to have just a single dot below it. Also the dot should increase with the font-size of the text (although if …
c# - How to draw a small dot on every click of the mouse in a ...
Oct 2, 2018 · I want a small red dot (a few pixels across) every time the user clicks. I also don't want any of the previous dots to go away. I know I will need a generic list of ellipses and rectangles, but am not sure how to execute this.
python - Decrease dot size in matplotlib plots - Stack Overflow
Aug 8, 2018 · The default dot size in matplotlib plots feel a bit bigger than what I would prefer - the tiny ones on a gnuplot plot. Is there a way to do so? The 'linewidth=x.y' (kind of obviously) doesn't help in
HTML entity for the middle dot - Stack Overflow
Jul 8, 2019 · I'm looking for the html code for the dot. Not the dot that's at the end of sentences but the dot that's used to separate items horizontally. Item 1 . Item 2 . Item 3 The traditional dot is centered on the bottom of the line while the dot I'm looking for is centered on the middle.
opencv - Detect small dots in image - Stack Overflow
Mar 9, 2020 · I have tried Hough transform for circles, but the dots are too small (10x10 px aprox.) to be detected correctly without too much noise. However, I am able to quite correctly detect the line in grayscale image - see the red line in image. I already use this knowledge and filter dots based on the distance from the line. However, in some cases ...