Small Eels? | Reef2Reef
Jan 8, 2017 · Some years back, I had a Snowflake Moray eel in my 30 gal long. He was about 6 inches when I got him, and grew to about 15 inches 4 years later, before he committed suicide. That was a shame because it was two weeks before the larger tank finished cycling.
Small sized Eel | Reef2Reef
Nov 13, 2024 · Is there any type of smaller sized eel thats good for. 32 gallon tank. Ive been looking at some other types of fish i could get. I also do not want it to hurt any of my other fish. Current inhabitants: 2 clowns- relatively large 1 pj cardinal …
Garden Eels | Reef2Reef
Jan 9, 2025 · A small attractive species, many aquarists have reported poor success maintaining them in captivity for more than a month or two. Many of these eels simply refuse all food, and some arrive so weak that they are unable to form a proper burrow. One gold-banded eel finally began accepting brine shrimp nauplii, and then unexpectedly died two days ...
Eels in a reef aquarium | Reef2Reef
Aug 6, 2021 · Where people get into trouble is when placing a larger eel direct from the ocean into their tank with fish small enough to fit into their mouths. If sized appropriately and a feeding routine is established in an observation tank prior to adding into the display, a snowflake is a good tank mate in a tank of at least 75g.
Help choosing Reef friendly Eel | Reef2Reef
Oct 6, 2017 · I had a small snowflake eel in my first reef tank 20 years ago. I would look for the smallest available. I never had a problem with mine, but I stick fed him small feeder fish before feeding the rest of the tank. Always a chance they may bite a fish when they smell food in the water, that's why I always fed him first.
Eel care guide! | Reef2Reef
Feb 4, 2015 · Eel was sold to me as a Golden Tail Moray .I got from that fish place . eel still very hungry and unpredictable eating days . I lost 2 large fish cause of injury by the eel . I feed fresh seafood from my lgs . Every other day I feed 2-3 baby scalops or 2 16-20 count shrimp. It's hard to tell someday would eat more than later on spit back food .
What Is The Smallest Eel You Can Find? | Fish Forum
Dec 30, 2008 · What is the smallest eel you can find? I really like eels, but the tank is only 30g. I found one called the zebra spiny eel that gets to 7 in, but I don't know. Does any one know how expensive a zebra spiny eel is? I only have $60 to spend on fish. Also, I have some questions about the zebra spiny eel: - What are its dietary requirements?
Spotted Garden Eel Questions | Reef2Reef
Jun 22, 2021 · A small attractive species, many aquarists have reported poor success maintaining them in captivity for more than a month or two. Many of these eels simply refuse all food, and some arrive so weak that they are unable to form a proper burrow. One gold-banded eel finally began accepting brine shrimp nauplii, and then unexpectedly died two days ...
Tank Transfer Questions | Reef2Reef
Feb 12, 2020 · I only have one small eel, 14" or so that needs the process. I took the eel out of a velvet infested tank roughly 8 weeks ago and has been living with some rock, sand and a light in a ~25 gallon bin. The eel seems to be perfectly healthy, but I am concerned the velvet hasn't completely died off from that bin, so before adding it back to the ...
Moray eel for 75 gallon | Reef2Reef
Aug 10, 2020 · The dragon eel does get considerably larger than the other 2, I would say a 75g would be too small for this eel. While I like keeping these eels in a 6 foot tank, seeing their habits, they will probably be comfortable in a 75g, especially a tank designed around their needs.