Gollum | Tolkien Wiki
Sep 2, 2019 · Gollum, a fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien, and appears in his legendarium. This character first appeared in The Hobbit, Tolkien’s novel published in 1937. After that, this character gained a role of importance in The Lord
The Best Gollum/Smeagol quotes - The Tolkien Forum
Nov 7, 2001 · I was just reading the Quotes thread and I must say I get quite the chuckle out of the Gollum quotes. I would like to add "Dusst!" to the list of: "Don't want fish." "Yes, yes we could. Spoiling nice fish, scorching it. Give me fish NOW and …
️ Sam's Speech | Tolkien Wiki
Oct 18, 2021 · Sam's speech talks about the worth of fighting for the good left in the world, despite overwhelming darkness.. He emphasizes the importance of holding onto hope and continuing the struggle because there are things worth fighting for, underscoring the central themes of perseverance and the power of friendsh
Why was Sméagol so easily influenced to begin with?
Dec 7, 2002 · When Sméagol attacks Déagol and takes the Ring from him, we clearly see that Sméagol is by nature a much more aggressive, and even violent character than say a Hobbit of the Shire, or even Déagol himself. And even at that early stage, Sméagol showed signs of being susceptible to the Ring...
Would Sméagol have murdered without the Ring?
Nov 18, 2002 · ' "Oh, are you indeed, my love," said Sméagol; and he caught Déagol by the throat and strangled him, because the gold looked so bright and beautiful. Then he put the ring on his finger. I wonder if Sméagol would have murdered someone eventually even if he had not set eyes on the Ring of...
Why did Aragorn take Gollum to Mirkwood? - The Tolkien Forum
Feb 11, 2002 · Aragorn captured Gollum in the dead marshes near Mordor. He then travelled for 50 days, something like 900 miles to hand him over to Thranduil's elves in Mirkwood, to imprison him. Was this really the logical thing to do? For example, why not take him to Lothlorien? Why did Aragorn double...
Gollum following the fellowship in Moria | The Tolkien Forum
Aug 21, 2002 · In the book Frodo hears sounds in Moria that turn out to have been Gollum following. In the film he sees Gollum, tells Gandalf, and they have a long talk about the role of Gollum, Frodo, and Bilbo in the fate of the ring. This is an added scene, with what sounds to me like original dialogue, and...
Riddle Game | Tolkien Wiki
Sep 12, 2022 · An eye in a blue face Saw an eye in a green face. "That eye is like to this eye" Said the first eye, "but in low place