HURRICANE SEASON IS JUNE 1 - NOV. 30. For links and information to stay informed and take care of yourself and your family go here. ×
"Humans are more important than hardware" speaks to our center of gravity and our #1 Enterprise Priority -- our People. Our Force and families are USSOCOM's competitive and comparative …
sbir-22-1-Phase1 - SOCOM
SBIR 22.1 Phase I. Thank you for your interest in providing SOCOM with the capabilities we need. Please visit the following link for the full DoD 22.1 Topics …
reference-materials - SOCOM
The Federal Acquisition Regulations System consists of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), which is the primary document, and agency acquisition regulations that implement or …
sbir-21-1-PhaseII - SOCOM
Please visit the following link for the full DoD 21.1 Topics https://www.dodsbirsttr.mil/submissions/baa-schedule/active-baa-announcements To see the …
Look for the SOCOM Resource Center (SRC), Bldg 143, out by the Banyan Tree. We can be reached at: Program Manager: 813-826-3742 / Superintendent: 813-826-3525. For In …
SOF Truths - SOCOM
Truth I. Humans are more important than hardware. People – not equipment – make the critical difference. The right people, highly trained and working as a team, will accomplish the mission …
Title 10 Authorities - SOCOM
Title 10 Authorities. Develop special operations strategy, doctrine and tactics; Exercise authority, direction and control over special operations expenditures
USSOCOM E-Reading Room
USSOCOM E-Reading Room 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(2)(A) Records – Final opinions and orders made in the adjudication of cases that may be cited, used, or relied upon as precedents in future …
1. Ensure that your SIPRNET token or NIPR CAC is inserted into the card reader. 2. Click the relevant signature block, a Sign Document window display with your certificate information. 3. …