Spinet - Wikipedia
Spinet built in 1765 by Johann Heinrich Silbermann. Bachhaus, Eisenach, Germany. Click for a more detailed view, revealing the use of bookmatched veneering. A spinet is a smaller type of …
Spinett – Wikipedia
Das Spinett (entweder von it. spina, „Dorn“ oder nach dem venezianischen Instrumentenbauer Giovanni Spinetti (um 1500)) ist eine drei- bis fünfeckige kleine Bauform des Cembalos. Es …
Spinett – Wikipedia
Spinett er et musikkinstrument i cembalofamilien. Spinettet kjennes fra blant annet Italia, Frankrike og England, hvor det var populært som et husinstrument i det 17. og 18. århundre. …
Spinet Pianos: What Are They And Why Do They Exist?
What Is a Spinet Piano? A spinet piano is a smaller version of a piano and harpsichord. Its compact design stands only 30 to 40 inches tall. The spinet piano was first introduced in the …
What You Should Know Before You Buy a Spinet Piano
Jun 7, 2022 · Spinets are cute instruments and often have natural wood casings. They are cheaper than upright pianos and take up less space in your home. Many beginning piano …
Spinett - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Spinett n (strong, genitive Spinettes or Spinetts, plural Spinette) spinet, harpsichord
Spinett – Wikipedia
En spinett är ett lådformat enmanualigt klaverinstrument med klaviaturen placerat på resonanslådans långsida och med strängarna i spetsig vinkel mot klaviaturen vilket ger lådan …
Difference Between a Console and a Spinett | Passaic, NJ | (800) …
With a Spinet Piano (Drop Action) the geometry of the action makes it more difficult to depress the key nearer the balance rail. With a Console (Direct Blow Action) there is much less difference …
Spinet | Italian, Baroque, Keyboard | Britannica
spinet, small form of the harpsichord, generally wing-shaped, with a single set of strings placed at an oblique angle to the keyboard. The wing-shaped spinet may have originated in Italy during …
Spinett – der charmante Klang der Renaissance
Feb 9, 2025 · Das Spinett ist ein historisches, tastenbetätigtes Saiteninstrument, das vor allem in der Renaissance und dem Barock, etwa vom 15. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert, verbreitet war. Als …