Electronic front linkage | Special Forces - STEYR Traktoren
With the electronic front hitch (EFH) you have the optimum system with electronic front-implement load relief. The ground pressure is kept consistently low, and can be individually controlled by the operator. This means enhanced control of front-mounted attachments, such as mowers, front packers and many others.
Expert CVT | Tractor | Agriculture - STEYR Traktoren
The new EXPERT CVT is ideally suited for front loader work. Whether you’re working around the farm yard or in the fields, the new STEYR S front loader series is the perfect match to your tractor and the challenges you face in your day-to-day work.
Electronic front hitch control (EFH) with implement strain relief. Low build height of less than 2.5 m*. Electrohydraulic engagement of differential locks and all-wheel drive. 600 hours service interval. Tight turning circle with steering lock of up to 55°. 55° Combinations of tyres and wheels to suit every type of application. 4-wheel brake
(EFH) with implement strain relief for safe mowing on steep slopes. Upgraded front axle suspension for improved traction and greater comfort. S-TECH precision agricultural technology with ISOBUS II and Section Control.
Steyr | EFH Position Sensor Wire Harness | 51554466 | MyCNH US …
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Electronic Front Linkage - STEYR Traktoren
With the electronic front-mounted hoist (EFH) you have the optimum system with electronic front-implement load relief. The ground pressure is kept consistently low, and can be individually controlled by the operator.
Das elektronische Fronthubwerk (EFH) ist ein elektronisches System zur optimalen Entlastung der Frontanbaugeräte. Der Auflagedruck wird im abgesenkten Zustand konstant gehalten und kann vom Fahrer individuell geregelt werden. Das verbessert die Steuerung von Frontanbaugeräten wie Mähwerken, Frontpackern usw. Die einstellbare Last auf der
Multi | Tractor | Agriculture - STEYR Traktoren
Electronic front hitch control (EFH) with implement strain relief for safe mowing on steep slopes. Eco mode – 40 kph at a fuel efficient 1,730 rpm. S-TECH precision agricultural technology with ISOBUS II and Section Control.
Besides the chassis-mounted mechanical front hitch with front PTO, the Steyr Kompakt Ecotech can now also be ordered with an electronic front hitch (EFH) with implement relief. Here, a pressure sensor detects changes in the calibrated contact pressure of the implement, e.g. in the event of uneven terrain.
Der neue Multi von STEYR ist der innovativste Traktor seiner Klasse und erfüllt sämtliche Ansprüche, die Landwirte an einen Universaltraktor stellen. Entwickelt in Kooperation mit 700 Landwirten und hergestellt in St. Valentin, überzeugt er durch seine sprichwörtliche Multifunktionalität und mit einem absoluten Höchstmaß an Komfort.