Steyr 680M – Wikipedia
Der Steyr 680M war ein Lastkraftwagen der Marke Steyr. Produziert wurde er von 1960 bis ca. 1986 von der ehemaligen Steyr Daimler Puch AG in Österreich und in deren Zweigwerk in Griechenland.
High Mobility Truck, D, 3-1/2 t, w/ winch (Steyr 680 M3) - HKFW
Mar 1, 2007 · Many generations of army drivers grew up with this truck. The truck saw service in a multitude of different versions, with 2-1/2 t (4x4) and 3-1/2 t (6x6) payload, with short or long cabs, with and without winch, some with hydraulic loading cranes and several special types.
Steyr Military Truck | A Military Photo & Video Website
Nov 17, 2015 · The Steyr Diesel 680M (in the army jargon 680er diesel) truck was since the late 1960s, the backbone of passenger and material transport in the Austrian army. Its reliability and robustness stood out in particular.
Το Steyr 680M: Μια κληρονομιά της ελληνικής στρατιωτικής …
Jan 17, 2023 · Εξερευνήστε την κληρονομιά του Steyr 680M, ενός στρατιωτικού φορτηγού 6x6 που υπηρέτησε τον ελληνικό στρατό για δεκαετίες.
STEYR 680M Archives - Kairis military parts
STEYR 680M. feel free to call us +30.210.6465668 [email protected]. Showing 1–12 of 25 results. STEYR 680M AIR FILTER NSN: 2940-23-111-4409. STEYR 680M FUEL PUMP NSN: 2990-23-112-3272. M/S 240GD, M/S 290GD, STEYR 680M …
Steyr 680M truck, used Steyr 680M truck for sale - Autoline
Steyr 680M trucks New and used Trusted sellers Currently in stock Quality commercial vehicles for sale at Autoline
Λεπτομέρειες περί της λειτουργίας και του χειρισμού του οχήματος, περιλαμβάνονται στο Τεχνικό Εγχειρίδιο του κατασκευαστή και στο τεχνικό βοήθημα ΤΒ 042/81.
Steyr 680M Motorhome Conversion - Off Road Action
Oct 20, 2014 · Astrid Eisheuer and Sven Gruse just sent us a photo of their Steyr 680 German military vehicle that they converted into a motorhome for their planned trip around the world. They started the trip earlier this year and it looks like their latest update on …
Steyr H-680M mark 1970 Stake body and tarpaulin
Steyr 680M with H-license, downgrade to 7.5 tons. Good tires, good condition. Stake body and tarpaulin >> Manufacturers list >> Steyr >> H680M mark 1970
STEYR 680M Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Kairis military parts
STEYR 680M. feel free to call us +30.210.6465668 [email protected]. Showing 25–25 of 25 results. STEYR 680M CORE,RADIATOR NSN:2930-23-112-3971. ←; 1; 2; 3; Search for: Product categories. M-1117 (90) M113 A1, A2, A3 / M577 A2 / M901 (963) M109 A1, A2 / M110 A1, A2 (624) M48A5 / M60 ...
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