Sturgeon - Encyclopedia.com
May 17, 2018 · sturgeon, primitive fish of the northern regions of Europe, Asia, and North America [1]. Unlike evolutionarily advanced fishes, it has a fine-grained hide, with very reduced scalation, a mostly cartilaginous skeleton, upturned tail fins, and a …
Acipenseriformes (Sturgeons and Paddlefishes) - Encyclopedia.com
The white sturgeon is the largest North American sturgeon, attaining a maximum length of 20 ft (6.1 m). The upper body is gray, olive, or gray-brown, and its lower body is light gray to white. distribution. Native distribution of the white sturgeon is along the Pacific coast of North America from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, to Monterey ...
Sturgeon Bait Brine - Game Fishing Forum
Apr 14, 2009 · I have some sturgeon bait and I am wondering if anyone out there uses Brine. I went and bought some small (fozen) Rainbows from a local market and am going to try them for bait. I doubt anyone wants to publicly give up secret brines, but if anyone does want to share them or shoot me a PM for what they have found that has worked that will be ...
Sturgeon William - Encyclopedia.com
Sturgeon’s father, John Sturgeon, is described as an ingenious but idle shoemaker who poached fish and raised gamecocks. His mother, Betsy Adcock, was the daughter of a small shopkeeper. After a disagreeable apprenticeship to a shoemaker, beginning in 1796, Sturgeon in 1802 joined the militia and two years later enlisted in the Royal Artillery.
Pallid Sturgeon - Encyclopedia.com
Sep 6, 1990 · This sturgeon is distinguished from the more common shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorhynchus) by a number of characteristics. The pallid is lighter in color and attains a larger size. It appears smoother overall and has a longer nose. The most notable difference is the length and placement of the barbels.
Sturgeon bank rod? - Game Fishing Forum
Mar 3, 2009 · gotta agree with the ugly stick opinion I got the lighter 12ft'er (the 12-40lb 2-12oz not the 15-50lb 6-24oz (I'd recomend the heavier one for a dedicated sturg rod though)) and its an awsome rod gonna hopefully be able to upgrade my reel to a diawa saltist stt 40h 6.4:1 high speed but for sturg fishin I'd suggest either the stt 40 or 50 4.9:1 high torque reel or some …
Lake Washington sturgeon | Game Fishing Forum
Aug 6, 2013 · When the Alaska Yukon Expo was held at the UW early in the last century the sturgeon from the exhibit were released into Lake Washington. They may still be spawning from that event. As for getting in and out of the lake, they could be going through the locks, like a lot of the salmon do, avoiding the fish ladder all together.
ugly stick tiger sturgeon rods | Game Fishing Forum
Jun 11, 2008 · By far the best rods for the money and the fish, great backbone and sensitive tip.. I have both the 30-50 and 50-80 rods.. you would be crazy to want to spend more money on a sturgeon rod.... they are just not a fish that needs anything else but a ugly stick...
Tips for Bonneville Bank Sturgeon? | Game Fishing Forum
Dec 16, 2012 · 2 Friends and I decided to try something new: Bank sturgeon fishing at the Bonneville CNR only(of course, since there no retention for the remainder of the year from our boundry) Anyways we both picked up three Okuma SST's 13'10 sturgeon rods, Daiwa Sealine 50SHA, 30# Trilene Big Game, 5-12oz cannon ball weights, 100# dacron leaders, sliders, 6 ...
Sturgeon fishing above Mcnary dam | Game Fishing Forum
Jan 27, 2009 · I've researched the upper columbia/snake river sturgeon from gov't studies and it seems the sturgeon prefers swifter water usually within a mile or two from the dam base and require very fast water for spawning 11ft/sec which severely limits their spawning habitat. they can really only spawn at the base of dams for this reason.