How do i battle the sudowoodo at the battle frontier?
Apr 30, 2005 · you need to go to the flower shop thats just outside the exit of the forest (the forest after petalburg city), talk to one of the florists there and she will give you the wailmer pail to …
How do you move the sudowoodo from the park to get to
Mar 14, 2010 · What You Have To Do Do Is Fly Get To Goldenrod City And Go Into The Towns Gym ( North eastern point) Go In Beat Whitney How Has Normal Type Pokemon And What …
How do I get pass Sudowudo? - GameFAQs
Jul 29, 2001 · The girl by Sudowoodo should return to the shop when you talk to her after getting Whitney's badge from her. If they're both in the shop and you're not getting the squirtbottle, …
Sudowoodo or Geodude/Graveler/Golem? - Pokemon Gold …
Plus, last time I checked, Sudowoodo can't 'splode in GSC. It's decent in-game with its natural Rock Slide and normal/flying/poison resist and no doubled up weaknesses, but competitively …
Is Sudowoodo worth using? - Pokemon SoulSilver Version
A solo rock type is difficult enough to find, and he's got some nice additions like woodhammer and he can also learn the elemental punches. only thing holding him back is his abysmal speed. …
how do i get a shiny sudowoodo? - GameFAQs
Jul 29, 2001 · Having a shiny Sudowoodo won't help you get a shiny Ditto, that glitch only works in Red/Blue/Yellow versions and thus requires trading. For a non-Ditto parent for shiny …
Is this Sudowoodo worth keeping? - Pokemon HeartGold Version
Is this Sudowoodo worth keeping? PkmTrainerAbram 15 years ago #1. IVs at level 20 Adamant HP 30 Attack 30 ...
Does anyone actually use Sudowoodo, Shuckle, or anyother pick …
Sudowoodo is my HM slave right now. :P Was originally Onix, but I decided to switch and try Sudowoodo, because his Fighting type moves are good against Normal types.
help...i killed the sudowoodoo on route 36 T_T - GameFAQs
I am going through the game using the strategy guide so I knew that tree was a Sudowoodo before hand. I saved before I went to battle him in case I accidentally caused him to faint. I …
Sudowoodo or Onyx? - Pokemon SoulSilver Version - GameFAQs
Pocket full of monsters, Pokemon in my pocket Friend Code: 1993-8459-5714