Minesweeper Online
Minesweeper rules are very simple. The board is divided into cells, with mines randomly distributed. To win, you need to open all the cells. The number on a cell shows the number of …
新しいゲーム - Minesweeper Online
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새로운 게임 - Minesweeper Online
추측 없이 모드로 게임을 시작합니다. Minesweeper.Online. 가입 로그인
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퀘스트 - Minesweeper Online
Minesweeper.Online. 가입 로그인. Account. 설정; 계정; 로그아웃
Efficiency - Minesweeper Online
Efficiency is the 3BV of a board divided by the number of clicks used to solve it. The less clicks used, the higher the efficiency. An Efficiency of 100% means you solved a 3BV 50 board in 50 …
扫雷 - Minesweeper Online