Spinal Cord Injury Levels & Classification - Travis Roy Foundation
The most common thoracic spinal cord injury involves T11 and T12. A patient with a T11 vertebral injury may have or recover sensations in the L1 through L4 dermatomes which include the front of the leg down to the mid-shin level.
T9 - T12 Vertebrae Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury | SpinalCord.com
A T11 injury will demonstrate itself by severe back and leg pain. If the nerves in the T11 vertebrae are damaged, common symptoms include weakness and numbness in these areas. T12 Vertebrae Pain Symptoms
Discopathy T11-T12: What to expect? (diagnosis and treatment)
Mar 6, 2025 · Any dysfunction of the thoraco-lumbar junction leads in particular to pain that radiates to the lower back and its surroundings. It can be joint or disc damage (such as a back hernia), or nervous. This condition is referred to as Maigne syndrome, or …
Understanding T11 Spine Compression Fracture
A T11 spine compression fracture refers to the collapse or compression of the T11 vertebra, which is located in the middle of the thoracic spine. It is often caused by trauma or weakened bones due to osteoporosis, resulting in pain, limited …
Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury: Functions Affected & Recovery
May 23, 2022 · Injury to this area is referred to as a T1- T12 spinal cord injury, depending on the level of injury. The thoracic region of the spinal cord connects to and controls the trunk and inner arm muscles, and relays sensations from skin in these areas.
Vertebrae T11 – Health and Recovery - Acibadem Health Point
What symptoms might indicate a T11 vertebral injury? Symptoms include back pain, discomfort, reduced movement, and numbness or tingling in the legs. Severe injuries can cause loss of bladder or bowel control.
Understanding T11: The Eleventh Thoracic Vertebra and Its Role in …
Jun 29, 2023 · When there's a misalignment or subluxation at the T11 level, it can lead to a variety of symptoms due to the compression of the nerve root. These can include conditions like kidney conditions, skin conditions, or troubles with the ureters.
Spinal Cord Injury Levels: A Complete Overview of Each Type
May 4, 2022 · T1 spinal cord injury – intact sensation of the inner forearm and the ability to separate your fingers (finger abduction). T2 spinal cord injury – the uppermost chest muscles and sensation near the armpit and upper chest are intact.
Levels of Injury - Understanding Spinal Cord Injury
When all four limbs are affected, this is called tetraplegia or quadriplegia. Corresponding nerves control arms and hands. A person with this level of injury may be able to breathe on their own and speak normally. Person can raise his or her arms and bend elbows. Nerves affect wrist extension.
T-9 to T-12 - Brain and Spinal Cord
T-9 to T-12 injuries can be classified as either complete or incomplete injuries. Complete injuries result in the total loss of movement and sensation below the point of injury, while incomplete injuries indicate that some function below the level of injury is retained. Effects of T-9 …
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