Windows 10 DVD drive won't recognize my DVD-R discs. Why? I …
May 7, 2019 · I have tried to insert my blank DVD-R disks (16x) in both my desktop, which is an HP 750-114, and in my laptop, which is an HP-17 bx0xx. Same problem. I should state that my drive has no problem recognizing regular music cd's or other data disks (like Turbo Tax). just these blank disks.
CD oder DVD formatieren - Microsoft Community
Feb 20, 2019 · Ich versuchte es mit mehreren neuen TDK DVD-R Diskette und führe alle schritte gem Anleitung Windows 10 aus. Habe zB. 20 Fotos ausgewählt, dann auf Freigeben/auf Datenträger brennen gedrückt aber die Fotos werden nicht auf die DVD gebrannt.
dvd drive does not read or recognize 4.7 GB disks but does read ...
Since I updated to windows7 my computer will not read or write on 4.7 GB disks, it does recognize the 700 MB disks. I have a Dell dimension E510, 4 gb of memory. It does say my drivers are up to date.
In windows 10 i cannot burn (i tried some optical discs. tdk, sony ...
Aug 1, 2016 · I am facing this peculiar problem. I have a dell inspiron 3537 with windows 10 and the dvd drive hl-dt-st dvd+-rw gu90n. When i got win8.1 i was able to burn also in dvd and cd. Now with win10 i cannot burn (i tried some optical discs. tdk, sony, verbatim) cd but i can burn dvd. I believe is a problem with the driver in windows 10. Have you any ...
why won't dvd maker burn dual layer dvd - Microsoft Community
Jul 8, 2011 · The version is iHAS324 B. Thanks for the information. Maybe it needs a firmware update. I have 174 minutes of video to burn. I am using TDK DVD+R double layer. I will update the firmware. If that doesn't work I will try a different brand of disc. I have just updated the firmware and DVD Maker recognises the dual layer. Thanks again.
how to erase a DVD + rw disc - Microsoft Community
Nov 17, 2020 · I would like to create a new copy of my previous system repair disc. However, this requires me to erase the disc. Before, this option was available by "right-clicking" the DVD disc in “This PC” &
PCのDVDドライブがCPRMコピーのDVD Discを認識しないのはな …
ディスクはTDK,Victor,That'sなどのDVD-RWおよびDVD-Rを試してみましたが、いずれも同じです。 ディスクが認識されないといろいろ不便です(フォーマットすべきかどうか、あとどのくらい空き容量があるのだろうかなど)。
DVDメーカーで書き込み出来なくなりました 対応策はありますか …
Mar 18, 2012 · dvdのメーカーはtdkを一番信頼して使用しています tdkのdvd-rがだめ マクセルのdvd-rもだめ radusのdvd-rwもだめ ① dvdドライブ自体は スタート コンピュータ で認識されています cd-r(音楽cd) dvd-rにデータ書き込み dvd-ramに追記 は 何の問題もなく書き込めます
DVD+-RW drive suddenly stopped recognizing blank DVD-R discs
Jul 4, 2018 · I ran out of DVDs and bought a spindle of 50 DVDs of the exact same brand/type (SONY DVD-R 120 min/4/7 GB). I put in on of the new discs and the pop up window came up like normal asking me to give the DVD a name and whether I wanted to use it …
DVD/CDROM drive won't recognize blank CD-R in disk tray …
Apr 4, 2019 · I know this question has been floated around the internet for a long time with 100's of remedies but still can't figure out what is going wrong. My Hp Desktop computer won't recognize that I have a